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Subject: Updated transactive payloads

All --

Here are cleaned up versions of the transactive payloads after several long discussions. This is adjusted from the style I showed October 12 to one where the tops of groups line up, making it easy to see what's not in a pattern.

BTW my EAP is based on wd29 schemas. Available (I'll upload it) on request.

Issues remaining (see also the attached notes file and the diagrams for details)

(1) Naming of parties.  For example, in Request:

Tender:    Tenderer, Tenderee
Transaction:    Party, CounterParty
Quote:    publisher, quoted

I've gone to party/CounterParty in Transaction, tendererParty/TendereeParty in Tender, and publisherParty/quotedParty in Quote.

Gerry may be right on the interactions - if I receive a Create* I know that I'm the counterparty. If I send a request* I could be either (are the queries symmetric? need for the data queries).  So maybe it's not an issue.

(2) If we keep using Tender-specific party names, it should probably be "TenderER" and "TenderEE" (to emphasize the differences). That's a global (EiClasses and EiPayloads) change.

BTW investorwords.com says that the US term is Bidder.  I don't think that has the same meaning. So I'm happy with "tenderer/tenderee" but I'm getting happier with party/counterparty.

RequestOR is listed with RequestER  in my dictionaries.

(3) How to show these figures - the parallel diagrams have proven extremely valuable. Do we want/need a repeat or a subset for the respective sections?

(4) Ed Cazalet and I have come to the conclusion that a single emixBase is what's needed in a tender, with 1..* eiTenders.  But Quote and Transaction have 1..* and are not quite aligned.

Suggestions welcome on this point.

(5) I've added attributes to EiQuoteType, EiTenderType, and EiTransactionType including the ...ID.  Should the transacting parties be added?


William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax

Attachment: Transactive Payloads Extras 20111012-2234.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: Transactive Payloads 20111012-2234.jpg
Description: JPEG image

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs32 \cf0 Changes for Payloads (Transactional) 20111012 22:30\
See figure TransactivePayloads 20111012-2230\
For Spec:\
A Tender has exactly one emixBase.\
MUST pass the emixBases by value.\
ISSUE Calendar container is the message? or something else? Does it matter?\
SHOULD an EiQuote and EiTransaction have exactly one or 1..*?\
SHOULD an empty (no emixBase) quote or transaction be allowed? I thihnk not - keep at 1..* for emixBase for both.\
IDs in the ..Types  (except EiEventType\
EiTransactionType has many TenderIDs but only one transactionID - is this correct?\
DISCUSSION on grouping. If it's the same kind of emixbase it can be fit into one in a Tender Could have 1..* but conform to 1 in  version 1.0?\
Transaction processing to group independent transactions into a single all-or-none - so don't need AllOrNone flag for EiTender.\
BUT why is Transaction ok with 1..* TenderIDType and just one TenderID in the EiTransaction class? This is an ERROR\
ACTION Tender and Transaction should have 1 emixBase in 1.0 - could be 1..* conformed to 1, or just 1.\
Look closely at multiplicity in the different payloads, and at the Tender and Transaction Type.  Can avoid responses if only one.\
Quote (I think) needs more than one.  \
requestor and the two party IDs is in Request for auditing\'85of course with appropriate security (e.g. Auditor Role).\
RequestTransacction - transactionID is now 0..*\
For "Request" there's exactly one "Party" - multiple CounterParties, multiple transaction IDs, and 0..1 market context. The semantics are restriction - if a Transaction ID is included, only that transaction ID is returned. If a CounterParty ID is included only things between the Party and CounterParty are returned. Etc\
SHOULD TenderType, QuoteType, TransactionType list parties and counterparties?\
ADD quotedPartyID 0/1 in cancelQuote\
ADD PublisherPartyID: PartyIDType to the Quote payloads.}

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