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Subject: RE: [humanmarkup-comment] HM.diplomatic_communications.requiremen ts

Title: RE: [humanmarkup-comment] HM.diplomatic_communications
Yes.  Read their literature.  Where do diplomats get trained and by what texts? 
No, texts aren't all because field experience counts, but when evolving a vocabulary,
texts are good for harvesting formal terms.
You could Google on the State Department and/or get Susan Turnbull
to suggest texts to study.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]

A requirements document would be a good idea. I would hope that it would concern itself with a survey of the field as currently taught and practiced--and perhaps finding someone to be an advisor would probably be a good idea, too. Finding out what the experts want or need is a pretty decent way to ensure that our work will be relevant, but then I always try to find somebody else to do the work, not that it succeeds very often, but I try. The thing about getting people to chat about what they are doing and perhaps have a passion for is that most people don't get that chance all that often. So they tend to be willing to talk if someone is willing to listen. :)

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