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humanmarkup-comment message

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Subject: RE: [huml-comment] PC-33 -Section 4.4.6-race

Let me start with a scenario based on a simple but real 
example and ask some questions.
You are a clerk at an apartment building.   A foreign 
individual is at your counter asking to rent an apartment. 
Every time you ask a question, when they answer "yes", 
they shake their head from side to side.  When they 
answer "no", they shake their head up and down.  If 
you are a Westerner, you typically consider side to 
side a gesture for "no", and up and down to be "yes". 
It is late, you are tired, and you find yourself 
confused by the person at the counter.

1.  Which sign should you accept, the verbal answer 
or the head bob?  Remember, they may have a bad command 
of English and/or may not understand your question.

2.  Would a knowledge of the country of the person's 
origin help you make that decision?

3.  What would you do to find out?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:dennis.hamilton@acm.org]

Oops, you're way ahead of me.

Thanks.  And Amen.

Can you construct a humanly understandable use case for this, that reveals
the essential use of HumanML to accomplish it?  That would certainly be
illuminating for me.

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