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Subject: Proposed Minutes from ID-Cloud TC Call (22 August 2011)


Here are the minutes from the ID-Cloud TC call this week.
Apologies if I missed any discussion points or threads.



Oasis ID-Cloud TC Meeting Minutes (22 August 2011)

[Notation:  Q = question; A = answer; C = comment]

(1) Roll Call and Agenda Review:
- Quorum was achieved.
- Thomas Hardjono minute taker.

(2) Approval of TC Meeting Minutes from 8 August 2011:


- Motion to accept minutes: Roger Bass.
  Second: Dominique Nguyen.
  No objections. Motion passes. Minutes approved.

(3) Terms & Definitions work:

- Matt: reminder that the informal telecon is on Mondays,
    following the TC telecon

- Anil:  any discussions or questions about Use-Cases?

(4) Gap Analysis discussion:

- Roger: 
  o Reminder that GAP analysis telecons is on 
    Thursdays 2PM-EST (11AM-PST).
  o Roger will send out new notifications.
  o Group has had discussions about the process to 
    identify the standards that apply to the use-cases.

- Matt:
  o We need to be mindful of our customer (namely OASIS).
  o We need to be mindful about which groups (in OASIS) to 
    whom we direct our recommendations.

- Roger:
  o We should not skew our GAP analysis to fit existing 
    groups in OASIS.
  o If other standards (outside OASIS) exists, then it
    is ok to identify them.

- Matt:
  o We should start at OASIS and work outwards

- Anil:
  o We need to look at all standards & bodies (be inclusive).
  o We look at OASIS first and then other/external 
    standards bodies.

- Roger:
  o We need to factor-in market traction (of standards) 
    when we do our work.
  o For example, if there are two standards (an OASIS 
    and an external), but the external standards has 
    more market traction, then we should take that factor 
    into consideration.

- Matt:
  o Our first customer is OASIS.

- Roger:
  o Confused about what it means to have "OASIS as customer".

- Anil:
  o We have completed the Use-Cases doc.
  o Now, for each Use-case we need to look at the 
    existing standards:
    + Identify the gaps.
    + Then give feedback to the relevant standards body.
    + If they are not interest, then we can do the 
      standards work ourselves.

- Roger:
  o Wants to understand relationship between doing gap 
    analysis and profiles.
  o Perhaps our TC output should not only be the gap analyses, 
    but also profiles.
  o Is this correct, and what are the implications?

- Darren:
  o  What is the status of SCIM protocol and relationship to us?

- Matt:
  o We should not endorse other groups.
  o We should take actions that benefit OASIS.

- Roger:
  o Lets use SCIM just as an example for our current discussion.
  o SCIM is currently being adapted for mobile provisioning.
  o What should be our motivation for adopting SCIM?

- Anil:
  o We will need to engage IP experts in OASIS.

- David:
  o We are producing a report (gap analysis).
  o We need to distinguish between standards-body and 
    industry activity.
  o Its ok for us to say that there are no formal standards 
    today but only an industry activity.

- Darren:
  o Darren actively follows developments in SCIM and SPML.
  o SCIM is planned for submission into the IETF.

- Matt:
  o It is ok for us to reference other work, but 
    we should not go into details.
  o That is, we should not need to read a specification and
    profile it.
  o Thus, gap-analyses and profiling are separate activities.

- Roger:
  o Question to Matt:  is Intellectual Property (IP) a 
    deciding factor for Matt (in choosing which standards 
    specs and standards-bodies) ?

- Matt:
  o OASIS has a prescribed steps for its members to engage 
    other external standards-bodies.
  o Matt is concerned that we are getting ahead of ourselves.
  o We should just do gap analysis (not start writing profiles).

- Roger:
  o So the dividing line is profiles.

- Matt:
  o Yes, we should identity gaps but not analyze other specs.

- Roger:
  o The problem is that you can only understand 
    a spec (like SCIM) by reading the spec in detail.
  o Also, some folks may not be sufficiently familiar with 
    a given use-case but is very familiar with a given 
    specification/standard (and vice versa).
  o So the challenge is: what is the correct alignment and 
    process between a use-case being analyzed and the 
    recommended standard(s).

- Anil: 
  o Lets just start with OASIS approved standards first.
    + Roger: OK
    + Anil: Need not include Work-in-Progress or drafts.

- David:
  o David disagrees (about not including works-in-progress).
  o We need to capture the state of the industry.
  o Which means including newly formed working groups.

- Matt:
  o Matt is ok with this, but we need to look at 
    groups/works which have publicly available 
    information (eg. websites) and not private/closed efforts.

- David:
  o David agrees with Matt.
  o One thing is to recognize a given work effort, but 
    how to use it (to fill a gap) is out-of-scope for us.
    + Matt agrees with David.

- David:
  o For now we should include as much stuff (ie. standards 
    specs) as possible and remove/reduce later on.
  o That is, we should not limit ourselves now.

- Matt:
  o OK, but we should not get stuck with someone else's specs.
  o The specs we look at should already be published, should 
    have no IP restrictions and be in the public domain.

- Roger:
  o This is clear enough. We should just do gap analysis.

- Dominique(?): what is the time frame to complete gap 
  analyses?  Is it November?

- Anil:
  o We need to put out a draft version, and continue producing
  o Its difficult to set an end-date. Basically we have 
    the Sept-Oct-Nov time frame to complete the gap analysis.

- Roger:
  o Agrees that we may reference published 
    standards (non-SDO standards)
  o We need to find a suitable level of detail to describe, 
    but defer detailed dive to a later date.

- Anil: End of gap analysis discussion.
  o Roger: will send-out reminder for the Thursday meetings.

- Roger:
  o Status of SCIM in the future?
  o Anil: we will not make a decision until SCIM is version 1.0.

- Roger:
  o Will OASIS consider bringing-in SCIM?
  o Anil: There is a parallel discussion on-going in 
    OASIS (unrelated to this TC).

5) Meeting adjourned.

SoapHub Chat Transcript:

 Anthony Nadalin
 David Turner (MSFT)
 Dominique Nguyen11
 Hadass Harel (eBay)
 Matt Rutkowski (IBM)
 Roger Bass (Traxian)
 Thomas Hardjono (MIT)

Anonymous morphed into Darran Rolls, SailPoint
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): dialing
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/id-cloud/201108/msg00033.html
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): Link to Meeting Minutes of Aug 8, 2011
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): Roger: moves,  Dominique: seconds
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): approved
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): good discussion related to IP associated with standards - open vs proprietary standards
Dominique Nguyen11: I hope we are going to finalize our approach at the end of the discussion to set clear direction
David Turner (MSFT): actually, to be clear, I actually said, "let's burn that bridge when we come to it?



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