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Subject: announcement activities and materials for announcement of KMIP public review

Hi -

As we move toward public review of our KMIP V1.0 materials, I suggest we
consider the following activities to encourage public recognition and
comment on our committee drafts:

-	email by OASIS to all members, announcing availability of KMIP
v1.0 documents for review (see sample attached text, based on similar
announcements by Mary in the past). This would be done by OASIS once we
vote to approve committee drafts for Public Review.

-	Press release by OASIS KMIP TC (see sample attached text, based
on our press releases from February 2009)

-	Analyst briefings by OASIS KMIP TC (Gartner, Burton, ESG)

-	Updated KMIP presentation on Cover Pages

-	Updated KMIP white paper on Cover Pages

-	Removal of old information from Cover Pages

I look forward to discussing this in our KMIP TC meeting tomorrow.



annc_email_draft 14oct09.rtf

annc_pr_draft 14oct09.doc

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