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Subject: Re: [akomantoso-xml] RE: Akoma Ntoso as a working /in-progress document

Dear Ashok, dear Grant,

in preparation of the TC meeting of tomorrow please find these few comments.

Thanks for opening this discussion on the incomplete document. It is a very important topic.

There are four cases, from my point of view, when a document is incomplete and so invalid to the XML validation:

- situation where the document is incomplete because some information are not available due to the legislative work-flow. It is the case of the bill where (e.g.) the time of enter into force of the document is not yet defined. In this case we need some attribute (status="undefined" date="9999-99-99") or some default values (eg. <num status="undefined">undefined</num>) for those parts that need to be treated in these cases. The status of incompleteness is in the major of cases destined to be resolved when the document completes its legislative work-flow (e.g. it becomes act). In this case the status of incompleteness is mostly temporary.

- situation where the document is incomplete because the people is working on it in different steps. In this case we don't take care so much to the validation. However it is possible to produce some sub-schemas, one for each main part of Akoma Ntoso (e.g. preface, preamble, body, etc.), in order to permit the validation of each macro-block. It is the case when the markup task is divided between different offices of the same body. It is a feature quite interesting for the editors based on XML engine. In this case the status of incompleteness is definitely temporary.

- situation where the document is incomplete of some metadata without any other evolution. In this case the incompleteness is permanent but in Akoma Ntoso there aren't parts mandatory except for the <meta><identification> block and <body>. So you can resolve this situation using @refersTo combined with <span> or <omissis>.

- situation where the document has some parameters that are dynamic over the time and they need some integrations (e.g. conditional included inside of the normative part e.g. "1. This Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of the deposit of the twenty-second instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations." http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XVIII-11&chapter=18&lang=en). For this case we need to understand if the evolution produces a new expression due to the fact that only the metadata are changed, not the text.


Il 16/11/2012 12:11, Ashok Hariharan ha scritto:
This question is coming from the discussion in the last tc-meeting.
There was a question raised by Grant (and also I believe Veronique) on
working documents - where all the information may not be available
during some stages of markup (e.g. dateTime period information ) -
some of these are mandatory for the document to be valid. The
conclusion appeared to be that the schema has to accommodate an
unknownDateTime / unknownPeriod attribute setting for such cases ( I
lost the connection towards the end - so i am not sure if there was
further discussion on this ) .    I would also think there are other
use cases of this type which we don't know about yet - what is the
recommended practice in such cases - do we leave the working document
invalid until such information is available  ?

Associate professor of Legal Informatics
School of Law
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
C.I.R.S.F.I.D.http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3
Tel +39 051 277217
Fax +39 051 260782
E-mailmonica.palmirani@unibo.it ====================================

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