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Subject: Notice of election

Given recent criticism of the way in which the TC has been operating, I believe it is appropriate to hold an election of officers in conjunction with the Las Vegas meeting.  Tom Clarke and I are willing to continue to serve as co-chairs.  However, I want to provide an opportunity for members to nominate others to serve in those positions during the conference call on Thursday, December 16.  If there are multiple candidates for any office, we will hold a formal vote using the OASIS KAVI process.  


This issue is included on the agenda for the meeting, circulated today.  However, I wanted to make sure that all TC members have specific notice of the election and have therefore sent this additional message.


John M. Greacen

Greacen Associates, LLC

HCR 78, Box 23

Regina, New Mexico 87046


505-289-2163 (fax)

505-780-1450 (cell)


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