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Subject: LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Documents Subcommittee


    This is a communication about the LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Documents Subcommittee.

    To bring you some quick news and information about the subcommittee:

   Work has been progressing in the background, but has not been communicated to the committee.  For this, I take responsibility.  With working multiple responsibilities at my current job and finishing a Master's degree, little time was left for communicating and discussing the work that was being done. 

    Roger Winters, an excellent communicator and valued member of the group, has volunteered to co-chair the subcommittee.  He is an experienced communicator and will help tremendously with getting more information to the subcommittee and helping the committee process move along.  I want to express gratitude to Roger for taking this on, to Michael Alexandrou for the work put in on experimenting with methods for creating documents, and to the other members of the committee for their contributions also.

    We will be asking you to let us know whether you plan to be a working member of the subcommittee, an observer, etc., so please give some thought to the role you would like to play. The OASIS site for the subcommittee is at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/courtfiling-doc/.

    I wish you a great holiday season and I look forward to renewed activity in our LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Documents Subcommittee.


Rex McElrath
Emerging Technologies Manager
Administrative Office of the Courts
244 Washington St. SW, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30334

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