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legalxml-enotary message

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Subject: [legalxml-enotary] TC Participation

The purpose of this communication is to remind everyone who has subscribed
to the TC with the intention to participate that participation as a member
in the TC itself requires a few more things in addition to subscribing to
this mailing list. Let me quote directly from the requirements.

"To become a member of this new TC you must 1) be an employee of an OASIS
member organization or an Individual member of OASIS; 2) notify the TC
chair, John Messing (jmessing@law-on-line.com) of your intent to participate
at least 15 days prior to the first meeting; and 3) attend the first meeting
on 19 September. You should also subscribe to the TC's mail list. Note that
membership in OASIS TCs is by individual, and not by organization. You must
be eligible for participation at the time you time you notify the chair."

So far my records show the following persons have fully complied with the
rule, in chronological order of compliance:

Manoj Srivastava, manoj@infomosaic.com, Infomosaic Corporation
Pieter Kasselman, pkasselman@baltimore.com, Baltimore Technologies
Daniel J. Greenwood, dang@mit.edu, Individual member
Rolly L. Chambers, rlchambers@justice.com, Individual member
Charles Gilliam, Charles.Gilliam@contentguard.com, ContentGuard.Inc.
Don Bergeron, Donald.Bergeron@lexisnexis.com, Lexis-Nexis
John Messing, jmessing@law-on-line.com, Individual member
Roger Winters, Roger.Winters@metrokc.gov, Washington State Courts

Other persons have subscribed to the TC list as Oasis members, but have not
also expressed an intention to participate in the telephonic meeting on
September 19, which, if it is an oversight, can be easily rectified through
a private email to me, John Messing, jmessing@law-on-line.com Please do so
by September 4, 2002.

Other subscribers to the list include:


If your name appears as a subscriber only and you wish also to pariticpate,
please drop me a short note stating an intention to participate in the first

If you did subscribe or expressed an intention to participate and that
information is not accurately reflected in this email, please accept my
apologies and alert me to any correction that should be made.

On a related matter, we have an observer, Thomas E. Wrosch, who is the
current President of the Notary Public Administrators section of NASS
 (National Assn of Secretaries of State) and the Notary Public Supervisor
for the State of Oregon. Mr. Wrosch writes: "States are very interested in
 interoperability, particularly in regards to their authentication of
notarizations needs."

I hope you will join me in extending a warm welcome to Mr. Wrosch.

Thank you and best regards to all.

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