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legalxml-intjustice message

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Subject: [legalxml-intjustice] Survey of vendor support of XML

This message, and the MS Word survey attachment, are being sent to the full Integrated Justice Technical Committee, LegalXML Member Section, OASIS, on behalf of the Industry Working Group (IWG).

The IJIS Institute, Industry Working Group Executive Steering Committee on September 19, 2002 discussed the current status of the use of XML in justice related products. The conclusion of the discussion was that there were many works in process, but there was not a current inventory of justice related products that use XML. GLOBAL [the Global Justice Information Network] was represented at this meeting and expressed interested in the applications being developed using XML, who the customer is, the data elements envisioned, and whether implementations follow the data dictionary and standard schemas developed by OJP [the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice] (Version 2.0 or 2.1).

As a result of this discussion, the IWG would like to develop a directory of justice related products that use XML, including those that use the current OJP Data Dictionary and/or OJP Schemas and DTDs. To this end we are asking you to participate in a survey. The IJIS/IWG will publish the results of this survey on their web site for reference by justice entities as well as the private sector. If there is sufficient interest, we will expand the IJIS/IWG directory to allow contributors to enter and maintain their own information.

If your company produces multiple products that are used by the justice community you may either summarize the product set or provide a survey for each of the products.

The collected information will used in the following ways:
1.	Post a summary along with the details provided from each of you on the IJIS/IWG web site. We will then promote the reference site through our membership, public relations, education and training.
2.	Use the information in a current IJIS engagement. An IJIS customer posed the question that began this discussion.
3.	Provide a link to GLOBAL, OJP, other interested justice entities and their constituents.

As outlined in the attached template we would like the information in the following categories:

1.	Current product use of XML. This means that XML is currently being used in a delivered or deliverable, justice related product.
2.	Planned product use of XML with approximate delivery dates. This means that XML will be incorporated into an announced or scheduled product release.

Within each of these two categories we would like you to provide the following detail:

A.	Product type such as court case management, law enforcement incident management, inmate management, jail management, investigation, laboratory equipment capture, evidence tracking, integrated justice, predictive analysis, etc. Core products on which justice solutions are built are also candidates. For example, a database product that provides an XML instance as a result of a query.
B.	A brief description (1 paragraph of less than ½ page) of the product capabilities/functionality.
C.	Customer implementations or planned implementations and customer contact.
D.	How XML is used (in brief terms) such as efiling, data sharing (database integration), data exchange (exchange of XML messages), output of XML (tagged) data in any form, rendering, database storage, forms based input, information delivery (wired or wireless), web services, etc.
E.	XML related standards or proposed standards that are (or will be for item #2) supported such as UDDI, SOAP, Web Services, OJP Data Dictionary, OJP Schema, Court Filing DTD, etc. If the proposed standard has a version (i.e. Court Filing 1.1), please provide the version that you are supporting or plan to support.

We would appreciate a prompt response. Please send your survey(s) to Karen Rigby at krigby@ncja.org.

We also encourage all of you to provide information on your ongoing justice projects (does not have to be XML related) through the IJIS project registry. This registry is available on the IJIS web site at www.ijis.org, select "projects" from the list on the left side of the display.

Attachment: private sector template.rtf
Description: private sector template.rtf

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