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Subject: President's Message: Symposium and AGM in Review

Dear Members,

In San Francisco this month, OASIS held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for
members in conjunction with our Symposium on "The Meaning of
Interoperability." I?d like to thank all those who attended this event, the
sponsors who supported it financially, the OASIS Technical Advisory Board
(TAB) for coordinating the program, and our staff, led by Events Manager, Jane
Harnad, for managing the logistics.

A highlight of the Symposium, was the keynote from Peter Quinn, former CIO of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Peter shared details of his own journey to
institutionalize open standards and the cultural, political, and commercial
impediments he encountered on the road to "open". His keynote was followed by
an array of technical and business case presentations from users, developers,
and influencers of OASIS work. The TC Lightning Rounds were once again well
received, as a representative from each TC delivered a three-minute update on
its work. We had a special delegation of representatives from our newest
member in China, the Changfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance.
Forrester analyst, Randy Heffner, offered the closing presentation in which he
described a compelling vision for the future of business interoperability.
For those of you who missed the presentations, you can still review the slides
of the presentations at the Symposium event webpage.

The one thing you won?t get from just reviewing the slides is the inspiration,
challenge, and connections that were made in the multitude of face-to-face
discussions held at the Symposium and the Committee meetings. Many new ideas
were debated and productive relationships forged. I believe this type of
relationship building is one of the primary benefits of attending OASIS-hosted
events like the Symposium and Forum. The range of information and depth of
experience that attendees receive and share is so vital for making good
strategic business decisions amidst the rapidly evolving world of IT standards.

The AGM once again offered an opportunity for OASIS executives to brief
members on the strategic direction, technical progress, financial strength,
membership growth, support services, and communications efforts of the
Consortium. We reported on some of the trends that are affecting our
organization, including:

Shift in Membership
§ Increase in end-user and public sector members
 (50% of organizational members)
§ More international (non-US) members
 (46% non-US participants currently)
§ Additional participants per organizational member
 (1200 more participants in last year with the same number of organizations)
§ Extra staff resources required to support end-users and members who do
not speak English?
 (recruiting, liaisons, localization, translations)

Shift in Types of Committees
§ Increase in adoption Committees (Health, eGovernment, SOA Adoption
Blueprints, ODF Adoption)
§ More industry vertical Committees (oBIX, Emergency Management,
Forestry, Conservation)
§ Extra staff resources required to support promotional and educational

Maturing of Existing Committees
§ Increased external promotional activities needed as more OASIS
Standards are approved
§ More liaison time to gain endorsement from Standards Development
Organizations (SDOs)

These trends, combined with member requests for increased accessibility to
benefits, have prompted an evaluation of our membership categories and dues
structure. Currently, staff and Board Directors are considering a variety of
alternatives in an endeavor to deliver the highest possible level of services
to members, equitable distribution of benefits, and support for our
Committees. Certainly, any changes to our membership categories and annual
fees will be made only after careful and thorough review.

Following the Symposium, many OASIS members participated in our first open
Board of Directors meeting. Both members and the Board found value in the
interaction, so much so that we plan to continue to hold open sessions of
Board meetings at future member events.

As always, I invite you to share your comments on these or any other matters
related to OASIS, either through our publicly archived mail lists,
oasis-member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org or
oasis-board-comment@lists.oasis-open.org, or to me directly.

Again, our deepest appreciation to all those who supported the Symposium. I
hope to see many of you at our annual European event, the OASIS Forum, which
will be held in London in November. Details on that are forthcoming.

Best regards,

Patrick Gannon
President & CEO
+1.978.667.5115 x201 - office
+1.978.761.3546 - mobile
Skype: pgannon

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