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Subject: Modifications to the Open Project Rules approved by the OASIS Board of Directors

Open Project PGB members and OASIS members,

At its June 29, 2021 meeting, the OASIS Board of Directors approved updates to the rules governing OASIS Open Projects (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/open-projects-process/). Staff recommended these changes to address feedback we received from the community and our own lessons learned. The proposals were reviewed and recommended to the full Board by its Governance committee. They go into effect immediately. However, we do not anticipate these updates to have a significant impact on your ongoing project work.

In section 2, Project Formation, the project charter will now require a brief statement of purpose and a separate statement of the scope of the work. This scope statement will serve as the boundaries for the work the community intends to do. Modifications to the scope will require a Special Majority Vote by the PGB. I will provide additional information on how existing PGBs should consider whether to update their charters.

In section 16, Trademarks, part (b) which allowed a mark owner to license its use to OASIS rather than transfer it has been removed. In practice, this proved difficult to accomplish and did not convey the assurances for continued use that OASIS must provide to members, adopters, and implementers. In addition, members of the Open Projects Advisory Council advised us that transfer of trademarks is accepted practice.

You can review the specific changes in the attached red-lined PDF file.

Thank you for your ongoing work at OASIS. We appreciate all that you do. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you have.




Chief Technical Community Steward


+1 201-341-1393

Attachment: OASIS OP rules proposed SCOPE edits 20210615.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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