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Subject: Next TC meeting: Thursday 6th August


At our last TC meeting we reviewed Shawn McAllister's first working draft on Request/Reply Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs) and MQTT. The document is available to download from here > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/mqtt/documents.php?folder_id=2967 <

This piece of work stems from Jira MQTT-197 and enables the TC to collaborate in a more integrated way. We're currently focused on Section 2 "Problem Definition" which captures the motivation for Request/Response MEPs and a set of Requirements. 

Please take some time to review the document ahead of our next TC call and feedback via the TC mailing list or using the new Jira "ReqRespMEP" component.

We'll revisit the document at our next call and check that we have consensus to move the discussion forward and begin exploring potential solutions.

Similarly, Andrew Banks walked the TC through a first draft for MQTT and Message Metadata (originating from Jira MQTT-256). This can be downloaded from the link above. Please take some time to review and feedback via the TC mailing list or using the new Jira "MessageMetadata" component.

Best regards


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