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Subject: RE: [obix] FW: XML Schema for Building services
Mary, There is a download link to the latest draft on www.obix.org. I know James and will to respond to him. Anto... Anto
Budiardjo - President & CEO, Clasma Events Inc. Email
antob@clasma.com • Phone: USA +1(817)946-3162 • Europe +44 (770)
417-0376 • Asia +65 (9)465-8128 ConnectivityWeek: BuilConn,
M2M Expo, Wi-tivity, GridWise Expo, ibX Forum From: Mary McRae
[mailto:marypmcrae@gmail.com] I'm forwarding this to Dee and the oBIX TC - could someone please
respond to Mr. Palmer? Thanks! Mary From: James Palmer [mailto:JPalmer@northbt.com] Hi, I
am trying to find information on any for of XML schema that has been designed
for building services, to include HVAC, Security, Lighting, Energy Metering /
Power Supply and generation, and Fire. Or sub sets thereof. I am
told that Obix is what I am looking for, but cannot seem to find any published
protocols or information on the web other than a press release site at www.obix.org My
Company provides building integration and IT convergence products into the UK,
Europe, Middles East and Far East. We need to develop an XML schema that can
handle all of the different systems we support and do not wish to re-invent the
wheel. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Kind
regards James Palmer, Business
Development North Building Technologies Ltd
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