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Subject: RE: obix-v1.1-wd11 disccusion tomorrow? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Thanks Chris.  I have incorporated these into my WD12, except:

Line 217: how about   "is based on a small but extensible data model"

Line 226: so should all other instances of the word 'web' be Capitalized? or UPPERCASE?  My suggestion for here: "Web Service"

Ch. 2: Agree - I think the parenthetical comment can just be removed.  Will investigate some better language to motivate the 'dessert' of the next chapters.

3.4: will work on language to fit this in, probably after existing text - something like: oBIX is so closely modeled on REST that it defines a REST binding in a companion document [ref].

I will be able to call in for a bit this morning.

Talk to you soon!


-----Original Message-----
From: Bogen, Chris ERDC-RDE-ITL-MS [mailto:Chris.Bogen@erdc.dren.mil] 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:56 AM
To: Gemmill, Craig; obix@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: obix-v1.1-wd11 disccusion tomorrow? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

I have only started combing through WD11 for nit-picky changes, but want to provide what I have so far before the meeting - and more if my other committee meeting ends early.

Line 207 "..lays the groundwork for building..."

Line 217 "small, but extensible, "

Line 226 "..existing Web service..." (all CAPS for other instances of "web")

Chapter 2:  Last paragraph should provide better transition into next Chapter.  Something like:
While Contracts provide a means to model your enterprise's concepts, oBIX 1.1 defines a standard Contract library to represent the most pedestrian, common concepts - e.g. Point, History, Alarm (see Sections 12, 13, and 14 respectively).  Those readers new to oBIX may even prefer to eat dessert first and work their way backwards to the main course; i.e. read about the most interesting Contracts and reference to previous sections when concepts are not clear.  In any case, Chapters 3-9 specify all of the cool stuff that make Contracts and oBIX servers/clients work.

Section 3.4: We should cross reference the REST bindings document here

Line 461:  "This means you don't..."

-----Original Message-----
From: obix@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:obix@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Gemmill, Craig
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:39 PM
To: obix@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [obix] obix-v1.1-wd11 disccusion tomorrow?

Hi TC-


I will be out of the office tomorrow.  I will try to call in to the TC meeting, in case there are discussions about the WD11 doc.  I will probably have to drop off by around 11:30 though.  If you have any specific comments, you can always email me, or I will check the chat transcript for comments.







Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

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