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Subject: Suggestion to group candidate issues for applied state in single motion at meeting#13 2012-10-25

Dear members,

I hereby suggest to group the candidate issues for applied state in one single motion later this day.

Thus something along the lines of:

"I move that the issues with numbers 137, 128, 125, 131, 141 and 130 are all closed as applied."

Further details (from 6.1 Applied Resolutions):

The following issues in state proposed (from previous meetings) are now noted as applied in JIRA (as of 2012–10–25 10:47 CET):

“Normalize percent-encoded values in URIs before applying ABNF rules” [component: OData ABNF Construction Rules] is proposed.

“Restrict scheme in OData URIs to http and https” [component: OData ABNF Construction Rules] is proposed.

“XML schema for Edmx wrapper constructs edmx:Edmx and edmx:DataServices” [component: OData CSDL] is proposed.

“Canonical URL for media resources” [components: OData ABNF Construction Rules, OData Protocol, OData URL Conventions] is proposed.

“Update non-normative ABNF snippets in prose document to match normative ABNF” [component: OData URL Conventions] is proposed.

“Describe canonical $metadata and $batch URLs in URL conventions” [component: OData URL Conventions] is proposed.

All the best,

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