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Subject: RE: [odf-adoption] XML 2007

Hey Rob,


Well, we’ve done all kinds of things with InterOps. With one standard, each vendor was a part of a book store supply chain. Another InterOp, each vendor was a group of financial institutions exchanging secure access to a record, etc.


Imagine that each InterOp participant is a branch of a large company (an enterprise), these branches use different document formats to exchange data; plus most enterprises have historical records (archives). This may be too ambitious but can we think of a scenario where we can successfully fetch, exchange, create and store a document? What about an employment record starting with an application, add resume, interviewer comments, hire contract, personnel, benefits, etc.  Many branches do touch this type of document, no?


This may be way off and I know Mary will have a better idea but you must think like the end-user (obviously) with overwhelming document management issues. Does this help at all?

The sooner we come up with something the better.





Dee Schur
OASIS Member Support

Register now for the Open Standards Forum:
"Enabling Transformational Government Through Web Services and SOA"
29-30 Oct 2007  *  London

From: robert_weir@us.ibm.com [mailto:robert_weir@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 3:44 PM
To: Dee Schur
Cc: 'Dee Schur'; odf-adoption@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [odf-adoption] XML 2007


Hi Dee,

I read over the OASIS policy document for official InterOp Demo's.  What we had in Barcelona was less formal, and more in lines with what that document describes when it says:

"OASIS recognizes that some TCs find value in internally testing specifications through non-promotional, informal, proof-of-concept activities (plug fests, etc.). The results of these activities are primarily intended to benefit further specification development."

I think there is great value in having future such "non-promotional, informal" type interop workshops,but I can also see the value of a more formal event.

In Barcelona, although the conference was formally an OpenOffice.org conference,a good deal of the material covered would not have been out of place in an ODF-focused conference.  Scanning over the program, I count 15 presentations that would have worked well in that kind of context. So something we might consider, given a longer planning cycle, is whether we want to have an ODF conference next year? I think we could line up enough speakers to have a 2-day 2-track conference entirely on ODF.

But back to XML 2007...   I'm trying to imagine what an interesting InterOp demo would look like. Any ideas? Certainly creating a document in KOffice or Lotus Symphony and then opening it in OpenOffice or MS Office would be underwhelming. Although this is a basic, key operation that will be repeated billions of time, it doesn't make a compelling demo.

Maybe I'm getting caught upon the word "interop"? What kinds of things have other such events dealt with?  Is this typically an hour demo?  Or are we looking for a series of demos spanning a half day?




Rob Weir
Software Architect
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Software Group

email: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
phone: 1-978-399-7122

"Dee Schur" <dee.schur@oasis-open.org> wrote on 09/26/2007 11:47:25 AM:

> Any feedback here? Should I reach out to the ODF TC?
> Thanks!
> Dee Schur
> OASIS Member Support
> dee.schur@oasis-open.org
> Register now for the Open Standards Forum:
> "Enabling Transformational Government Through Web Services and SOA"
> 29-30 Oct 2007  *  London
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dee Schur [
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:29 AM
> To: odf-adoption@lists.oasis-open.org
> Cc: dee.schur@oasis-open.org
> Subject: [odf-adoption] XML 2007
> Importance: High
> Hi,
> I spoke with the XML 2007,
http://2007.xmlconference.org/public/content/home, organizer this morning
> regarding an OASIS ODF InterOp Demonstration <see Policy document for
> participation:
http://www.oasis-open.org/who/interop_demo_policy.php> which
> we discussed on the call this morning.
> She was intrigued but needed a better description (abstract) to take to
> management to make a determination regarding our participation. I think this
> is a great opportunity for all participants but it will be different than
> the ODF Camp. It will be incumbent on the participants to identify and agree
> on a scenario (the more straight forward the better in my opinion) that
> would be compelling for the attendees of this conference. Participation is
> open to all OASIS members and we often gain membership with these
> opportunities. We require membership (of course we have many options) to
> insure fairness and to preserve a non-commercial 'feel' to these events. I
> will be responsible for all logistics and will quickly create an InterOp
> email list to be used by participants.
> First, we need to decide if we move forward very quickly? Then we must send
> Georgia an abstract as soon as possible as they are in the middle of fixing
> the programme.
> Please send your feedback, questions or concerns ASAP.
> Best regards,
> Dee

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