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office-accessibility message

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Subject: Malte's comments on latest draft

Please find my comments below.


2.1: - must support AccessX/StickyKeys
No, this is part of the (operating) system, not of applications

2.4: - accessible indication of focus => "perceptible" indication?

3.1:  I wouldn't tell to much about the summary.
a) We don't want to tell people "your docs should/must have a summary"
b) There is no special element/role for summery

3.1.1: Implementers need to ensure that an author can tell the difference
=> How? => Buy offering usage of different style sheets for different

3.1.3: The implementor can help by making it easy for the user to add
row and column headings
=> not user, but author

3.2 (org chart):  How can the implementor help the reader
=> Author instead of implementor, or author instead of reader?

3.2.3: If an implementor tries this with a spreadsheet...
=> IMHO reader, not implementor

3.2.3: work with font sizes of at least 12 point..
=> So why do we use 10 in normal text??? ;)
I think a lot of people use 10, so I wouldn't recommend 12 here, but
recommend to ODF implementors to offer a zoom mode.

3.2: Audio: "Let the reader know about the audio"
=> Not sure how to handle: How to do this when giving a presentation?

3.2: I missed something about hyperlinks

4:  and other Office documents such as MS Office
=> and HTML (because it's important and it's used in the examples)

4.1.1: Not correct in Open Office 2.0
=> I don't think that this has to be mentioned in the guidelines!

4.2: The bullets or list markers are corrupted in OOo
Also nothing for guidelines

4.2.4: IMHO we shouldn't use names from (other) people in the example.

4.2.4: "Currently, Open Office the speaker note information when
converting to HTML"
Beside the fact that this sentence makes no sense, again we shouldn't
tell about what OOo is or is not (currently) doing.
Side note: At least the people in this group should really know that the
thing is called "OpenOffice.org", and not "Open Office"

4.2.6: "A blind user or mobility impaired user may wish to navigate by
page as this reduces the number of keystrokes required to navigate a
IMHO not the correct introduction. I don't need them when having an
application that does pagination.
The only intention was to inform ODF apps that don't paginate, where the
(soft) page breaks where in the paginating application.

4.3: Again, don't need a statement about what OOo does.

6: Accessibility API:
"read aloud and/or operate GUIs"
=> It's about getting the information and providing to the user in some
way, eg. Sound/Braile/...
=> not operate GUIs, but operate/control any application
What about UIAutomation and UAA here?

6: Assistive Technology
Need better description...

6: Converter: A tool to help authors...
=> .... or users of other applications

6: Office Editor/Reader
=> Document Editor/Reader

6: User agent
=> IMHO ODF doesn't belong in the (general) description of a user agent,
or call it an "ODF User Agent".

6: Voice Office Editor/Reader
=> Again ODF, not office, but do we really need this?

In general:
Is it worth to recommend an ODF application to offer something like the
OOo Navigator?

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