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Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Eclipse ACTF project

Hi Chieko,

This is very nice work, thank you for releasing it!

I ran it on our v1.0 accessibility guidelines, and found a total of 7 
claimed errors.  Two of them are in Chapter 3 (hi Dave!) - in both cases 
complaints about unlabeled graphics, yet both graphics have text 
illustrations.  Looking more closely, I see that Dave didn't attach that 
"illustration" text to the image as a caption.  However, when I did 
that, aDesigner still complained about it.  Should it?

Separately, it complained about all of the data tables.  It wanted a 
header (which I don't think is needed) for the layout table in 3.1.  And 
it wanted captions for that table and 3 others.  When I put captions on 
those tables, aDesigner stopped complaining, so that worked at least.

I vaguely remember you showing a tool that would highlight text it 
thought might be a header but wasn't marked as such.  Is that capability 
buried in aDesigner?  I couldn't find it.

I'm sorry we didn't test our document with this tool!  Now I need to 
release a v1.0.1.... :-)


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

> Hi All,
> Today, there was an announcement about open sourcing our accessibility
> tools including aDesigner for ODF via Eclipse.org.
> http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22777.wss
> We created a new project for accessibility tools called "Accessibility
> Tools Framework (ACTF)", and I and Mike Paciello will co-lead the project.
> We will opensource our ODF accessibility checker functions, such as the
> accessibility guideline validation and low-vision simulation for
> presentation
> documents based on image processing. The tool uses OpenOffice.org as the
> ODF renderer.
> At this moment, we have not published our source code yet, but you can try
> all functions by using alphaWorks version.
> http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/adesigner
> Enjoy!
> Best Regards,
> Chieko
> ---------
> Chieko Asakawa, Ph.D.
> Accessibility Research
> IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
> IBM Distinguished Engineer
> Member, IBM Academy of Technology
> E-mail: chie@jp.ibm.com
> Tel: +81-46(215)4633     Fax: +81-46(274)4282
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