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Subject: RE: [office-accessibility] Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 15, 2008

Thanks Guys. Sorry again for the silence. I'm sure you've heard about the ice storms here in NH. We just got our electricty back last night - since Thursday. The state is still in a state of emergency.
- Mike

From: Richard Schwerdtfeger [mailto:schwer@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 6:49 PM
To: Pete Brunet; mpaciello@paciellogroup.com
Cc: office-accessibility@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 15, 2008

Hi Pete,

Good pick-ups on the document. Mike, here is an update.

I am confused by this one where 6 4.1 talks about charts and cell backing:

Agenda item 6 - 4.1 - Hiro's comments for the BPG - item 2 - autoplay issue
Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist

Pete Brunet/Austin/IBM@IBMUS

12/13/2008 02:43 PM

Re: [office-accessibility] Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 15, 2008

Rich, Some comments:

Agenda item 4 - the attached requirements doc:

Agenda item 6 - 4.1 - Hiro's comments for the BPG - item 2 - autoplay issue

Pete Brunet


IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
Voice: (512) 286-5485, Cell: (512) 689-4155
Ionosphere: WS4G

From: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
To: office-accessibility@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: 12/11/2008 12:45 PM
Subject: [office-accessibility] Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 15, 2008

Pete Brunet will chair this call. Hopefully Peter will have posted an update of the ODF Accessibility Guidelines for 1.2 by the meeting. Given the time of the year this will be the last meeting for 2008.

Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 15, 2008, Monday at 7am PT / 9am CT / 10am ET / 4pm CET / 12 (midnight Mon-Tues) Japan time. Please use our usual (and unpublished) dial-in, and our usual IRC channel: &office-accessibility at irc.oasis-open.org


1. Approval of minutes from 1Dec08 meeting
2. Radio Button Groups Malte, Pete

Rich's proposal to TC:

Bottom line is ODF overloads form:name to address radio groups. form labels can label individual controls and not groups creating problems. The TC has indicated in their specification that for form:name duplicates form:id essentially creating two unique names and suggested that form:name can be removed.

3. Review Intra-document link proposal from Hiro (attached)
4. Review ODF 1.2 requirements document from Rich (attached). This is an early draft

Rich's post:

5. Does group agree we should recommend the use of some ARIA concepts (role, live region) properties in the BPG for document components bound to back-end data?

There seemed to be group consensus that we should not add anything to the ODF 1.2 specification at this time. I would like to make this a resolution.

We verified that the live region capability is supported in the ATK/ATSPI and IA2 specifications. This is a WAI-ARIA concept.

6. Accessibility Guidelines Actions and Issues

4.1 Issues to Discuss

- Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:

How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts backed by disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple tables? If this case be done today, what are the examples?


- Hiros suggestions for BPG:

4.2 Editorial Action Items

- Peter to provide an updated Accessibility Guidelines to our document library so that we can update it.
- Peter to remove Appendix E.3 Tables/Presentations
- Rich Provide a section on PDF conversion related to supporting repeating table headers in PDF
- Peter Korn and Pete Brunet to specify the text of how table row and column information are mapped in ATK and IA2
Pete's response:
- Peter Korn to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple API.

ODF 1.2 Accessibility Requirements Draft:
Latest ODF Specifications:

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(See attached file: odf12requirements121008.odt)(See attached file: IntraDocumentLinkProposal 1211.odt)

Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/schwer[attachment "IntraDocumentLinkProposal 1211.odt" deleted by Pete Brunet/Austin/IBM] [attachment "odf12requirements121008.odt" deleted by Pete Brunet/Austin/IBM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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