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Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Exposing information about annotations
Hi Pete, I am not sure if IAHypertext really is a good solution for this, since there is no link to the note. But I also have no better idea. How would it look like with ODF 1.2, when a note starts in para <n>, ends in para <n+x>? Would all paragraphs have a hyperlink referencing the same note? What about the parent relation from the note then? Reading the rest of you email, I guess the note itself is like a drawing object, and could then contain multiple paragraph objects, so that part sounds good. (I doubt that we already have a role for NOTE in UAA/ATK) cc-ing Oliver, because he will be responsible for implementing it in the Writer. I guess Calc can later do it almost the same way, but linking from a cell instead of a paragraph... Malte. Pete Brunet wrote, On 12/17/08 00:38: > > Malte, These are implemented in Symphony a11y. > > The first note is in the text "suddenly". The IAText::text is > "...su?ddenly...". IAHypertext indicates a single hyperlink and > IAHyperlink::anchorTarget returns an object with IA2 role of NOTE and an > accValue of "Annotation". IAComponent is implemented to indicate the > parent relative location of the yellow box. I can't tell with my > tooling but I assume MSAA IAccessible::get_accLocation is also > implemented on the NOTE object to provide the screen relative location > of the yellow box plus the width and height of the yellow box and > IAComponent::foreground is implemented to provide the color. > > *Pete Brunet* > > IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development > 11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758 > Voice: (512) 286-5485, Cell: (512) 689-4155 > Ionosphere: WS4G > > > > From: Malte Timmermann <Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM> > To: office-accessibility@lists.oasis-open.org > Date: 12/12/2008 11:52 AM > Subject: [office-accessibility] Exposing information about annotations > Sent by: Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Not sure if this is the appropriate group, or if asking IA2/ATK people > would be better, but - we have Pete here, so he will forward to IA2 if > needed ;) > > Attached is an ODF document with some annotations. > OOo 3 can nicely display these annotations on the screen, but it's > unclear how to best expose them to AT. > > Annotations can contain one or more paragraphs, each with its own > formatting. > > Annotations can have different colors for the different authors. > > If too many annotations are used on 1 page, some annotations are not > visible – see 2nd page. > > Annotations can also be completely hidden – try Menu – View – Notes. > > In ODF 1.0 and ODF 1.1 an annotation can only be at certain position in > the text. In ODF 1.2 an annotation can annotate an arbitrary part of the > document's content – see approved ODF 1.2 proposal found at > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200708/msg00007.html. > > Questions/Suggestions: > - They look like objects. Should they be exposed like shapes in a > drawing? When they couldn't have formatted text, I maybe would have > suggested to simply expose them as an attribute, but that also wouldn't > tell the user that there are objects on the screen showing them... > - With ODF 1.2 they can be bound to a range starting in one paragraph, > ending in an other - how to expose this relation? > - When turned off, there is nothing visible, so I guess nothing has to > be exposed. > > Any thoughts? > > Best, > Malte. > [attachment "Annotations-Accessibility.odt" deleted by Pete > Brunet/Austin/IBM] > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that > generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php >
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