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office-comment message

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Subject: [office-comment] Open Office XML and SyncML

Open Office TC,

Can you tell me if the scope of the Open Office XML Format TC will include
defining data elements normally contained in auxiliary personal office
applications such as contact managers and personal calendars?

If so, have you discussed liaisoning with other OASIS TCs of WGs of external
organizations?  While speaking today at the SyncML congress, I was struck by
a potential need for liaisoning around standardized data elements for such
contact manager and calendar data.

Please let me know of your plans in this area and keep Karl Best informed of
any plans to forma liaisons.

Best regards,

Patrick Gannon
President & CEO
PO Box 455, Billerica, MA  01821
+1-978-667-5115 x201 (Office)
+1-978-761-3546  (GSM Mobile)
+1-978-667-5114  (Fax)

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