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Subject: Proposal for an ODF Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC

As many of you know, I've had an abiding interest in ODF interoperability.  I'm not so interested in the speculative side of how we'll all be happy and harmonized a decade from now.  I'm more interested in the practical side of how to ensure that two ODF implementations today can improve their interoperability.  There are some basic engineering activities that must take place to achieve a high degree of interoperability between ODF implementations, and this includes things like creating test suites, conformance assessment tools, profiles, etc.

We discussed this issue at some length in the ODF Adoption TC.  We all agreed that an effort in this area was necessary, but it wasn't clear where it would best be placed.  In the ODF TC?  In the ODF Adoption TC?  Outside of OASIS altogether?   None of these were a good fit.

So, we decided to propose a new TC within OASIS called the "ODF Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC".  This TC could own everything from test suites, to mobile or web profiles of ODF, to implementation guides, to technical reports on how to use ODF with other standards.  The charter can be as broad or narrow as we want it to be.  I've proposed a draft charter, which you can read below, based on the charter of the ebXML Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC.

The first step in creating a new TC in OASIS to to create a discussion list and send out a Call for Participation.  This happened last night and the note is appended below.  This is where we can discuss the terms of the new TC's charter, the goals, deliverables, etc., before putting this out for a formal approval ballot within OASIS.  This stage of the process can last up to 90 days, though we can move for the ballot sooner than that, once we have sufficient interest and consensus.

I'm inviting you to join this list and to share your thoughts on the charter of this new TC, and hopefully to participate in it eventually.  There is no intent to overlap with the deliverables of the ODF TC.  In fact, this new TC could provide an avenue for producing some deliverables that are outside the limits of what an ISO-track standard typically contains.  For example, a test suite for OpenFormula would be a natural deliverable for the new TC.  

Everyone is eligible to join the discussion list, OASIS members as well as non-members.  But you will need to subscribe to the mailing list by sending a note to:


and then responding to the confirmation note.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mary McRae [
mailto:marypmcrae@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Mary McRae
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 5:30 PM
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org; tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: oiic-formation-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [members] New OASIS Discussion List: oiic-formation-discuss

    OASIS members have requested that we open a new discussion list, regarding
a possible new OASIS ODF Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance (IIC)
TC. The proposal conforms to our rules and is set forth below. Standards always
are improved by broad participation. OASIS encourages open discussions about
possible new TCs, by offering a dedicated e-mail list for 90 days, upon member
request. The address of this list will be:


Anyone, including OASIS members and non-members, may subscribe to this list in
order to discuss the merits and possibility of the proposed project.  The list
is now open, and can be joined by sending a message to:

oiic-formation-discuss-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org. [1]

The discussion list is governed by Section 2.1 of the OASIS TC Process [2], and
may last up to 90 days.  Typically, participants in the list will determine
whether there is sufficient interest to form an OASIS TC, and then collaborate
on a draft TC charter for submission. Only subscribers to the list will have the
ability to post to it. If you do not wish to subscribe, but would like to
monitor the discussion, archives of the list will be visible at [3].

Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other appropriate lists.
OASIS is an open standards organization, and welcomes your feedback. We look
forward to assisting parties interested in joining the community of
implementers, technologists, academics and end-users contributing to open
standardization for e-business and information exchange.

Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

[1] Additional assistance is available, if needed, from the contacts listed at


(1) The name of the discussion list, which shall not be the same as the name of
the list in which the TC itself shall operate if formed.

The proposed discussion list name is "oiic-formation".
(2) A preliminary statement of scope for the TC whose formation the list is
intended to discuss.

It is the intent of the ODF Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance
(IIC) TC to provide a means for software implementors and service providers to
create applications which adhere to the ODF specification and are able to
interoperate. As such, the purpose of the IIC TC includes the following:
1.                 To publish test suites of ODF for applications of ODF to check their
conformance with the Standard and to confirm their interoperability;
2.                 To provide feedback, where necessary, to the ODF TC on ways in which the
standard could improve interoperability;
3.                 To produce a set of implementation guidelines;
4.                 To define interoperability with related standards by the creation of
profiles or technical reports;
5.                 To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC,  OASIS InterOp
demos related to ODF;
The IIC TC may also liaise with other standard bodies whose work is leveraged in
present or future ODF specifications. These include, but are not limited to, the
W3C and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34.

(3) The names, electronic mail addresses, and OASIS Organizational or Individual
Membership affiliations of the three or more Eligible Persons proposing to
create the discussion list.
Rob Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
Charles-H. Schulz, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, Ars Aperta
Don Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com IBM
Alan Clark, aclark@novell.com, Novell

(4) The name of the discussion list leader.
Rob Weir


This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium communications.

Opt-out requests may be sent to member-services@oasis-open.org, however, all
members are strongly encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.

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