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Subject: Aggreement on annotating content with RDF attributes

Hi group!

I assume we all agree now on (at least basic) RDF annotations on ODF.
This will ease transformations to languages using RDFa, therefore I 
support the idea to add basic RDF attributes to the content in any case.

Let's start immediately to find solutions for real world cases (Bernd's 
examples) and define them for the proposal.
So just for instance, even if someone would like to edit RDF XML via 
XForms, we would now add RDF attributes to the text field with the 

Let us go into detail regarding RDF annotations, how would we solve 
Bernd's scenario #1:

The following RDF object literals is taken from the VCARD XML file [1].
 From the RDF subject "from http://www.1dok.org/staff#schuster007"; the 
related <vCard:Family> should be used in the content.xml.

The problem <vCard:Family> would have an anonymous parent.

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.1dok.org/staff#schuster007";>
        <vCard:N rdf:parseType="Resource">

I was told that the construction of nested ODF elements to rebuild the 
RDF structure would be a big problem for most ODF applications.
What other solution do we have? We might want to adapt the RDF XML by 
adding the RDF neutal |rdf:nodeID to the anonymous node:|
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.1dok.org/staff#schuster007";>
            <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="abc">

The text node would look like this:
<text:user-field-get meta:about="abc" 
xforms:bind="Binding 6">Schuster</text:user-field-get>

Are we able to constraint that the rdf:nodeID is unique for the whole 
ODF package?
Possible yes, but latest when a document would be embedded it would 
become difficult.

Any ideas on that?

PS: If we could control unique namespace prefixes, it would shrink our 
size as well. Imagine a real world example, as Elias table with two URIs 
in every cell.


[1] taken from 

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