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Subject: Re: [office] Do you agree, that the list style of a list belongs to the style markup of a document?

On Wednesday 14 March 2007, Florian Reuter wrote:
> So now lets suppose the editor of the above sample document decides to number the "should not dos" with roman numbers.
> So we will change the style "L1" to roman and end up with the following document
> <sample>
> We should do:
> I. Bla bla bla
> II. bla bla bla
> III. bla bla bla
> We should not do:
> I. Bla bla bla
> II. bla bla bla
> III. bla bla bla
> </sample>
> Althought he only wanted to change the number of the "should not dos" to roman. But since he changed the style he
> changed both. I agreee with you that this is the excepted behaviour with a paragraph or character style but this is not
> the expected behaviour in a list.

I think you are confusing the file format and the way editing in an application works.
If you want to only change the first list then you create a new (automatic) style which says "roman numbering"
and you use that for the first list - and not the first second.

There is nothing new there. If I have <span style-name="S1">foo</span><span style-name="S1">bar</span>
and you want to make only the first span bold, then you don't just edit the properties of S1, you assign a new style S2 to it
which says bold.

> So I really believe that every office application (even KWord :-)) will --at the end -- present the user a "1:1 mapping
> between list style and counter domain".
Certainly not. Or we don't mean this the same way.
If I have two lists that both use roman numbering somewhere in a long document, it doesn't mean they are part
of the same "counter domain", i.e. it doesn't go
I. Bla bla bla
II. bla bla bla
III. bla bla bla
[A lot of non-numbered paragraphs here]
IV. bla bla bla   < should be I.

My second list is meant to be a different one, so it has its own counter domain _even though_ it
uses the same list style as the first list. Therefore there is no "1:1 mapping between list style and counter domain".
What makes up counter domains is: the <text:list> structure, when using text:list (plus the continue-numbering attribute),
and the list-id attribute when using numbered-paragraph.
This is all quite independent from the list styles (roman vs numeral vs letters etc.; how many display levels, etc.); 
at least it should be independent, IMHO.

David Faure, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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