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Subject: [Fwd: Review of ODF 1.2 specification draft]

Dear TC members,

my Sun OpenOffice.org colleague Michael Stahl (michael.stahl@sun.com or 
mst@openoffice.org) has reviewed chapter 15 and the attributes in 
chapter 18, which are referenced in chapter 15 of our ODF 1.2 
specification draft.

His results are:
<Michael Stahl's review results>
first, a general observation: all examples are gone; i won't list them
below. but oliver tells me that was intentional.

15.1 General

the following explanation is gone now:

This differs from the user interface of typical office applications, where
formatting properties may be assigned to an object directly, or indirectly
by applying a style to the object. Assigning formatting properties to an
object directly has the same effect as assigning an unnamed style with the
same formatting properties to that object. Therefore, user interface
styles remain unchanged conceptually in the OpenDocument file format,
while formatting properties assigned directly to an object are assumed to
be unnamed styles. In order to use unnamed styles, they are assigned a
name and therefore become automatic styles.

15.2 <style:style>

the following explanation is gone now:

For example, the <style:style> element can represent paragraph, text, and
graphic styles.
The individual style families that make use of these element are described

15.3 <style:default-style>

The <style:default-style>
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

15.6.1 <style:header>

... in a <style:master-page> element
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

The <style:header> element specifies a style for a header element...

hmm, actually it seems to me that the style for a header would be
specified by <style:header-style> (15.4.1). <style:header> actually
contains the _content_ of the header. in draft6 this read:

The header and footer elements specify the content of headers and footers.
They are contained within a master page element. The <style:header> and
<style:footer> elements contain the content of headers and footers.

the following text, which i find quite helpful because it specifies the
semantics of an empty element, is missing:

The content of headers and footers is either:
* Standard text content, for example paragraphs, tables, or lists. Such
headers and footers usually are supported by text documents.
* A sequence of any of the following elements; <style:region-left>,
<style:region-center> and <style:region-right>. These elements usually are
supported by spreadsheet documents.
* Empty, which switches off the display of all headers or footers.

15.6.2 <style:footer>

see previous (header) <style:region-left>

why is this labeled it could occur on elements described in
15.6.1, 15.6.2, 15.6.3, or 15.6.4.

15.8 <table:background>

this should be labeled 15.7.12, as it belongs to table-template.

15.9 <style:font-face>

If a font face declaration is referenced this way, the steps described in
§15.5 the [CSS2] font matching algorithms
       ^^^ grammar???

... the CSS2 font matching algorithm as described in described in
§15.5 the [CSS2],


15.10 <svg:font-face-uri>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to font-face-src.

See § 20.8.3
      ^ spurious space following §

15.11 <svg:font-face-format>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to font-face-uri.

15.12 <svg:font-face-name>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to font-face-src.

See §X of [SVG]
     ^^ this should most likely read 20.8.3 (but i've not checked that)

15.13 <svg:definition-src>

this should be labeled 15.9.2, as it belongs to font-face.

See § 20.8.3
      ^ spurious space following §

15.14.1 General

there was a description of the number namespace in draft6, but i guess
that might have been superfluous.

15.14.2 <number:number-style>

the following list, which expresses an additional constraint that is not
obvious from the generated list of child elements, is missing:

This element can contain one of the following elements:
* <number:number>
* <number:scientific-number>
* <number:fraction>
These elements describe the display format of the number. The elements can
be preceded or followed by <number:text> elements, which contain any
additional text to be displayed before or after the number.
</quote> <number:embedded-text>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to number.

15.14.8 <number:boolean>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to boolean-style.

15.14.12 <style:text-properties>

The following text is missing:

The purpose of specifying text formatting properties within data styles is
mainly to highlight certain values (for instance negative ones) by using
style mappings. For this reason, data styles usually support only very few
text formatting properties, for instance a text color. There may be also
restrictions for the values of text formatting properties. For instance,
the only value allowed for the text color might be red.

but i guess it likely describes limitations of some implementations, so i
don't mind if it's gone.

15.14.13 <style:map>

The condition must be in the format value() op n, where op is a
                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^ formatting!
relational operator and n is a number. For Boolean styles the condition
                         ^ formatting "n"
value must be true and false.
               ^^^^     ^^^^^ formatting

15.15.1 Text Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.4 Text Formatting Properties.

15.15.2 Paragraph Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.4 Text Formatting Properties
and section 16.5 Paragraph Formatting Properties.

15.15.3 Section Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.7 Section Formatting Properties.

15.15.3 Ruby Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.6 Ruby Text Formatting 

15.16.1 <text:linenumbering-configuration>

The <text:linenumbering-configuration> element specifies line numbering
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element
within the <office:styles> element.
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

the following sentence is missing:
If the element is not present, a default line numbering configuration is 

15.16.2 <text:linenumbering-separator>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to

the following sentence is missing:
If the element is not present, no separator is displayed.

15.16.3 <text:notes-configuration>

A <text:notes-configuartion> element
                      ^^ typo
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

15.16.4 <text:note-continuation-notice-forward>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to notes-configuration.

15.16.5 <text:note-continuation-notice-backward>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to notes-configuration.

15.16.7 <text:sort-key>

this should be labeled, as it belongs to 

15.18 <text:list-level-style-bullet>

this should be labeled 15.17.1, as it belongs to list-style.

15.19 <text:list-level-style-number>

this should be labeled 15.17.2, as it belongs to list-style.

15.20 <text:list-level-style-image>

this should be labeled 15.17.3, as it belongs to list-style.

the following helpful explanation is missing:

The image data can be stored in one of the following ways (see section
* The image data is located in an external file. The xlink:href attribute
specifies the location of the file.
* The image data is contained in the <text:list-level-style-image>
element. The <text:list-level-style-image> element must contain an
<office:binary-data> element that contains the image data in BASE64
encoding. In this situation, the xlink:href attribute is not required.

15.21 <text:outline-style>

the following explanation is missing:

The outline style is a list style that is applied to all headings within a
text document where the heading's paragraph style does not define a list
style to use.

15.22 <text:outline-level-style>

this should be labeled 15.21.1, as it belongs to outline-style.

15.23.1 Table Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.8 Table Formatting Properties.

15.23.2 Table Column Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.9 Column Formatting Properties.

15.23.3 Table Row Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.10 Table Row Formatting 

15.23.4 Table Cell Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.11 Table Cell Formatting
Properties, as well as to section 16.4 Text Formatting Properties and
section 16.5 Paragraph Formatting Properties.

15.24 Graphic Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.17 Color Formatting Properties,
as well as to section 16.4 Text Formatting Properties and section 16.5
Paragraph Formatting Properties.

15.25 Presentation Styles

the following sentence is missing:

graphic styles with family presentation may occur only within presentation

there is a missing reference to section 16.17 Color Formatting Properties,
as well as to section 16.4 Text Formatting Properties and section 16.5
Paragraph Formatting Properties.

15.26 Drawing Page Style

why is this called Style (singular) instead of Styles?

Within graphical applications, drawing page styles can be used to change
the background of draw page.
                  ^ article missing?

there are missing references to section 16.36 Presentation Page Formatting
Properties and section 16.14 Fill Formatting Properties.

15.30 Chart Styles

there is a missing reference to section 16.29 Chart Formatting Properties,
as well as to section 16.17 Color Formatting Properties, section 16.4 Text
Formatting Properties and section 16.5 Paragraph Formatting Properties.

18.547 number:automatic-order

the following explanation, which details what exactly is reordered, is

This attribute is used with the following elements:
<number:currency-style>, where number and the currency symbols are 
<number:date-style>, where the <number:date-style> child elements that are
not <number:text> or <style:text-properties> elements are reordered.

18.556 number:language

The number:country attribute on a <number:currency-symbol> element
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ formatting     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

18.569 number:transliteration-style

maybe it should be mentioned that only values short, medium and long are
allowed? is it possible to auto-generate this?

18.693 style:class

The style:class attribute
     ^^^^^^^^^^^ is not formatted as an attribute

18.606 style:condition

the following paragraph occurs twice in draft6:

The following conditions are valid for paragraph styles:

the second occurrence should not say "paragraph" but "table cell".
the second occurrence has been omitted altogether in draft7-9, which is
also wrong :(

the last 3 list items for table cell styles ("A numberValue ...", "A
string ...", "A formula ...") should be on a lower list level, below
"cell-content() operator value"

A formula is a formula (see )
                            ^^ broken reference

the paragraph "For boolean styles ..." should be a list item, because
boolean styles are data styles

18.699 style:data-style-name

* <presentation:date-time>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:date>, <text:time>, <text:page-number>, <text:variable-set>,
<text:variable-get>, <text:variable-input>, <text:user-field-get>,
<text:user-field-input>, <text:expression>
  the whole lot not formatted as element

* Table cell and chart styles that are automatic and common.

i read that as styles that are both automatic and common. maybe "automatic
or common" was meant?

18.701 style:default-outline-level

The style:default-outline-level attribute specifies a default outline
level   a style with a family paragraph.
       ^ "for"        ^ the?

If this attribute is present and it is assigned to a paragraph by an user
interface action, then office applications should display the paragraph as
a heading of the given level.

the paragraph should not merely be displayed as a heading, it should
_become_ a heading.
i much prefer the old draft6 version, as it also clarifies a potentially
confusing situation:

If this attribute exists for a paragraph style, and if the paragraph style
is assigned to a paragraph by an user interface action, then office
applications should convert the paragraph into a heading of the given
level. However, the attribute has no effect to the differentiation of
headings and paragraphs in the file format itself. The differentiation
between headings and paragraphs still takes place by using either a
<text:h> or a <text:p> element. If a <text:p> element references a
paragraph style that has a style:default-outline-level attribute, the
paragraph remains a paragraph and will not become a heading.

18.707 style:display

... displayed or not. It
                       ^^ spurious?

18.708 style:display-name

In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary

this implies a restriction of allowed characters of the style:name
attribute, but in 18.787 style:name no such restriction is specified.

18.787 style:name

a font declaration. his name can
                     ^ T missing

With the style:family attribute, the style:name attribute
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ formatting     ^^^^^^^^^^

For automatic styles, a name is generated during document export. If the
document is exported several times, it cannot be assumed that the same
name is generated each time.

i don't like this paragraph: it could be interpreted as prescribing that
applications re-generate automatic style names on export. maybe the
following would be better:

"It shall not be assumed that applications preserve the names of automatic

18.788 style:next-style-name

The style:next-style-name attribute specifies the style to   used
                                               missing "be" ^
Within <office:text> and <office:spreadsheet> documents,
        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ formatting

18.789 style:num-format

For some elements, the attribute value also can be empty. In that case, no
number is displayed.

If no value is given, no number sequence is displayed.

that seems redundant

18.900 svg:r

The svg:r attribue
     ^^^^^format. ^ t missing

The use of this attribute on the <draw:area-circle> and <draw:circle> are
defined by §9.3 of [SVG].
         not formatted as element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The use of this attribute on <svg:radialGradient> is defined by §13.2.3 of
     not formatted as element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

18.1135 text:consecutive-numbering

The text:consecutive-numbering attribute specifies whether or not the a 
                                                 too many articles ^^^^^

18.1157 text:increment

The text:increment attribute causes line numbers to be numbered as
multiples of a specified increment.

what exactly does this mean? with an increment of 5, do consecutive lines
get numbered 5, 10, 15, ...???

draft6 was much clearer on this:

The text:increment attribute causes line numbers that are a multiple of
the given increment to be numbered. For example, if the increment is 5,
only lines number 5, 10, 15, and so on are numbered.

18.1184 text:note-class

The text:note-class attribute specifies whether the field references a
foot- or an endnote.

this attribute does not only occur on fields, but also on 

18.1192 text:prefix

The text:prefix attribute
     ^^^^^^^^^^^ is not formatted as an attribute

18.1200 text:restart-numbering

The text:restart-numbering attribute
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is not formatted as an attribute

18.1208 text:sort-by-position

or by a selected of fields
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?

draft6 had:
or by an arbitrary selection of entry fields

there is a missing reference to section 7.8 Alphabetical Index.

18.1210 text:start-value

* <text:h>
   ^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:list-item>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:numbered-paragraph> - specifies (we don't say)
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

this should restart the list numbering at the given value, just like for
text:list-item. at least that's what i've implemented for OOo 3.1 :)

* <text:notes-configuration>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:list-style>
         ^^^^^^^^^^ this should be list-level-style-number
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:outline-level-style>
                              ^ here's no "-"
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

18.1216 text:style-name

* <text:p>, <text:h>
   ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:list>, <text:numbered-paragraph>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:section>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:span>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:a>
   ^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

* <text:ruby>
   ^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as element

in the next two items, most of the _commas_ are formatted as elements

* <text:linenumbering-configuration>, <text:list-level-style-number>

the list-level-style-number actually specifies a character style, and thus
should belong to the previous list item

- specifies a text style
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as text content

If both, text:style-name and text:class-names are present,
        ^ spurious comma

18.1218 text:suffix

The text:prefix attribute specifies a string that is displayed before a
          ^^^^^^ suffix                                   after ^^^^^^
     ^^^^^^^^^^^ not formatted as attribute

The following section from draft6 seems to be completely gone:
15.8.10 Transliteration

The various number:transliteration-* attributes specify the native number
system of the style to display the number using, for example, CJK number
characters. The notation is inspired by the W3C XSLT 2.0 draft, see §12.3
of [XSLT2]. However, to be able to fully distinguish between all possible
native number systems additional attributes are needed in combination. For
example, Korean uses 11 different systems where the digits are not always
different but short and long and formal and informal forms exist.
</Michael Stahl's review results>

Sun Microsystems GmbH    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
Nagelsweg 55             Software Engineer - OpenOffice.org/StarOffice
20097 Hamburg
Germany                  Fax:   (+49 40) 23 646 955
http://www.sun.de        mailto:oliver-rainer.wittmann@sun.com
Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann (od) - OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS

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