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Subject: Re: Final ZIP upload for CSD03

Now - after Michael has reviewed and merged the pull request - the updated files are also available at the master:
  1. https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odf-tc/odf1.3/csd03/OpenDocument-v1.3-csd03-part1-introduction.html
  2. https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odf-tc/odf1.3/csd03/OpenDocument-v1.3-csd03-part2-packages.html
  3. https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odf-tc/odf1.3/csd03/OpenDocument-v1.3-csd03-part3-schema.html
  4. https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odf-tc/odf1.3/csd03/OpenDocument-v1.3-csd03-part4-formula.htmlÂ
Best regards,

Am Fr., 28. Aug. 2020 um 22:56ÂUhr schrieb Svante Schubert <svante.schubert@gmail.com>:
Dear TC members,

the (hopefully) final version of deliverables was uploaded as ZIP:

Our plan is to vote on those next Monday!

You might see as well the HTML directly online via:
Best regards

Am Fr., 28. Aug. 2020 um 11:01ÂUhr schrieb Svante Schubert <svante.schubert@gmail.com>:
Dear TC members,

Yesterday'sÂindent patch - adding spaces between Appendix label and chapter title - apparently did not work out as expected due to whitespace normalization in HTML.
In other words, the indents after appendix labels did not show up when using spaces within the list @style:num-suffix, instead we are now using the list @text:min-label-distance attribute. The HTML URLs alreadyÂshowing already a fixed version:
I will uploadÂan updated ZIP when my final task is done - TOC is working (or I postponed it).Â
The reference task mentioned earlier will not be fixed for ODF 1.3 as I realized theÂmnemonic bookmarks/IDs do not exist consistently, for instance in Part 2 missing for level 2 chapters.
They should be generated and it is too little time to create such a script now.

Best regards,

PS: After the CSD03 release, I suggest we are moving editor tasks and discussions into our Github issues. Any TC member (and anyone from the public) interested in those might activate a GitHub repository subscription. Those not interested in editorial issues, might simply neglect this and will be spared from this "noise" not related to discussions on the ODF semantic.

Am Do., 27. Aug. 2020 um 22:32ÂUhr schrieb Svante Schubert <svante.schubert@gmail.com>:
There are two things I forgot to mention:
  1. a fix being made from a sighting of Regina, where 14 times a pair of paragraphs was duplicated in each appendix of part 3.
  2. a (recently) known issue of some listings in the HTML version: A very few lists are not being rendered correctly in HTML as the list are using the "new" list type added by ODF 1.2, which is not implemented in the XSLT being created prior to ODF 1.2.
Best regards,

Am Do., 27. Aug. 2020 um 21:54ÂUhr schrieb Svante Schubert <svante.schubert@gmail.com>:
Dear TC members,

I have uploaded an update of the ZIP of our CSD03 deliverables:

In addition, you may also view the latest HTML directly at:
Changes being made
  1. HTML XSLT: Adding list attribute to XSLT fixing several indents problems in HTML
  2. HTML XSLT: Fixing list level properties >=2 in HTML (by adding list-style name to XSLT recursion)
  3. HTML XSLT: Appendix headings looked incorrect in HTML (in general heading within lists were missing HTML element heading number)
  4. HTML XSLT: Missing paragraph BORDER of stand-alone border paragraph (@style:join-border problem solved)
  5. ODT: Regina asked for exchanging the incorrect placed '.' from Appendix titles by a space (two spaces in total) - (reported by Regina)
The complete list of changes being made - with all details - can be found as part of the GitHub pull request:

Changes to be made

There are basically only editorial changes on TOC for HTML remaining:
  1. The HTML of the Table of Content has no numbers (part 1 & 2) - (reported offlist by Alfred)
  2. The HTML of the Table of Content should choose the more mnemonic ID - (I have started earlier and would like to finish)
As it might still need adoptions in the ODTs,ÂI might need to regenerate more than just the HTML.
This is time-boxed to me, if I am not able to finish these tasks by tomorrow, I will postpone them to ODF 1.4.

Best regards,

PS: I am aware that there is some documentation on GitHub missing (e.g. about LO configuration and batch scripts I am using), I will add this after the ZIP is done.

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