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Subject: Notes from September 26th, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference - Next Meeting 10th of October, 2022


The notes from the ODF Teleconference of 26th of September, 2022, follow below.

Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!



*Patrick:*  Quorum - yes

*Patrick:*  Agenda - add Office-4110

*Patrick:*  Regina - decision missing for 4024

*Patrick:*  https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20OFFICE%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22ODF%201.4%22%20ORDER%20BY%20status%20ASC

*Patrick:*  Regina - updated spreadsheet - for next call to continue with it - Regina's email of Aug. 8th

*Patrick:*  Regina - next call is 10th of October - no meeting 3rd of October

*Patrick:*  Michael - can also look directly at the emails

*Patrick:*  last item today - review regina's spreadsheet

*Michael Stahl:*  there are only 4 emails

*Patrick:*  Amend agenda to add the outstanding 4 issues from Regina's spreadsheet to end

*Patrick:*  Agenda approved by consent with that amendment

*Patrick:*  Minutes of September 12th - approved by consent

*Patrick:*  ODF 1.3 - Moving Towards ISO

*Patrick:*  Interoperability testing -

*Patrick:*  Francis - wasn't that part of the OASIS approval process

*Patrick:*  ODF Plugfests - community driven - London -

*Patrick:*  Francis - importance of interoperability testing

*Patrick:*  Svante - a list of plugfests?

*Svante:*  https://odfplugfest.org/

*Patrick:*  Jos - did some interoperability testing

*Patrick:*  Good basis for history of interoperability

*Patrick:*  Francis - is it interoperability for new features of ODF 1.3 or is it sufficient that ODF 1.2 was tested and ODF 1.3 was built on that basis?

*Patrick:*  Francis - doesn't break but have two implementers implemented new features and found their implementations interoperable?

*Patrick:*  Need list of new features in 1.3, then implementations of 1.3 that have implemented those, then test if those are interoperable

*Patrick:*  Implementers could assert they have tested for interoperability - or we can arrange for testing

*Patrick:*  Q to implementers - did they implemetment new features for ODF 1.3, did they test for interoperability of those features

*Patrick:*  Michael - there was interperability using Xpath/xSlt to see if new items were preserved -

*Patrick:*  Francis - general response useful - still need to look at where interoperability would be tested - Functions changed in part 4, which ones require interoperability testing

*Patrick:*  Andreas - changes were mostly in the large groups, not in the group everyone implements

*Patrick:*  Francis, can check the ones in the small group at least

*Patrick:*  Andreas - must check values for interoperability - add function for example

*Patrick:*  Francis - simple approach - which features new/changed in ODF 1.3 have you implemented?, have you tested for interoperability in each case?

*Patrick:*  Ask implementers who are members of the TC those questions.

*Patrick:*  https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-3750

*Patrick:*  Regina - there is a general question of what to do when implementers do it differently than specified?

*Patrick:*  Andreas - different from standard, its a bug in the implementation

*Patrick:*  Andreas - says it should be in degrees - standard defines truth

*Patrick:*  Andreas - every file has a version attribute - if 1.2, should be in degrees

*Patrick:*  Andreas - don't have this feature in gnumeric

*Patrick:*  Andreas - would be a bug in gnumeric if used radians

*Patrick:*  Andreas - can always make breaking changes - should always check version numbers -

*Patrick:*  Andreas - must have had a reason for degrees in ODF 1.2

*Patrick:*  Meet again 10th Oct. - adjourned

Patrick Durusau
Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net
Homepage: http://www.durusau.net
Twitter: patrickDurusau

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