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Subject: RE: [oic] OIC TC 2009-04-08 Coordination Call Minutes - UPDATED

I failed to report Andrew Rist's attendance correctly.  This version is corrected. 

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Date:  Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Time:  13:30 - 14:30 UT


The chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oic (doesn't count as attendance)

The call-in numbers: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200903/msg00017.html 
   *** NOTE: A New Pass Code has been assigned for these calls.

The action items (log-in required):

The roll call confirmed a quorum with 8 of 11 Voting Members in attendance (6 required).


    * Peter Junge, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
    * Bart Hanssens, Fedict (Chair)
    * Donald Harbison, IBM
    * Mingfei Jia, IBM
    * Robert Weir, IBM
    * Dennis Hamilton, Individual (secretary)
    * Stephen Peront, Microsoft
      Andrew Rist, Oracle
    * Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    + Louis Suarez-Potts, Sun Microsystems

      [* = Voting Member at start of meeting
       + = Voting Member upon conclusion of meeting]


      Charles Schulz, Ars Aperta
      Xiaohong Dong, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
      Alex Wang, Beijing Sursen International 
    - Jeremy Allison, Google Inc.
      Pierre Ducroquet, Individual
      Andreas Guelzow, Individual
      Thorsten Zachmann, Individual
      Doug Mahugh, Microsoft
    * Alan Clark, Novell
      Tom Rabon, Red Hat
      Aslam Raffee, South Africa Dept. of Science & Technology
      Mathias Bauer, Sun Microsystems
      Michael Cziebalski, Sun Microsystems
    * Daniel Rentz, Sun Microsystems
      Jerry Smith, US Department of Defense

      [* = Voting Member
       - = Voting Member status ceased on conclusion of the call]

1.2 ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: 2009-03-25 minutes approved without objection 

1.3 ACCEPTANCE OF TODAY'S AGENDA: Approved without objection


   The action items (log-in required):
   [Only currently-open items are reviewed]

#0001 Contact OpenDocument Fellowship - Weir - Intel has been contacted.  It will take a while for the Intel process to take its course, but every indication is that our use of the test cases will be supported.  

#0015 Create Template Scenario - Hamilton - postponed until after #0016

#0016 Experimental 1.1 Spec Analysis - Hamilton - Dennis said he became stuck on the close-out, is going to become unstuck at once.

#0019 First draft on "State of Interoperability" - Weir - An initial draft was posted on April 7:
Bart Hanssens has posted comments as a document,
There was discussion on taking this forward (4.1, below).
We are requested to review the draft and the comments that are already here (and on the list), making our own available in some form.  Rob proposes to have a further draft before the next meeting.

#0023 Proposal for Test Case Submission - there was discussion around the use of test assertions and needing to blend those into this structure.  The suggestion is to look at the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC and try some test assertions for areas where we have been experimenting with test cases, such as the ODF 1.1 metadata.  (See 4.2, below)

#0024 Contact OASIS on SVN Commit Messages - Hanssens - Bart reported that there is no change and we are continuing to throttle our SVN commits to not more than once daily.  Dennis added that there is going to be a little ad hoc group to discuss how to use SVN and satisfy OASIS requirements, and some resolution about commit messages might come out of that effort.  That activity has not been initiated at this point.

#0025 Contact EU IDABC about ODEF connection with OIC - Hanssens.  Bart reported that there is not much activity, the last forum post being 2-3 weeks old.  He is continuing to observe.

#0026 Process for adding test scenarios - Peront - nothing new to report

#0027 How to submit material for test scenarios - Peront - nothing new to report


The proposal for standing rules was discussed around whether such a proposal was needed, and when it would be needed.  Dennis agreed to take the proposal off the table and continue to look at the draft and having something streamlined that would work for us if and when we need it.  

Other discussion:
 - We need to be careful what constitutes a "proposal" that would require a process such as the one that was put forward
 - Some practices, such as the build-up of test cases and the compilation of test assertions may have their own procedures and that is to be expected.
 - It is understood that with regard to creating public results in the form of approved documents, the OASIS procedures for Technical Committee operation kick in
 - The advancing of proposals is about our internal work processes prior to having something on the OASIS output track
 - Since committee drafts and stronger results require voting, it is not clear what and whether finer-grained approvals would be needed
 - There was a contrast with the ODF situation where there was a large accumulation of feature proposals that needed to be managed
 - Some do not expect that we will have anything like the ODF proposal situation
 - There does need to be some way to bring efforts to closure and we want to keep it light-weight while providing for notice, discussion, and deliberation
 - What we are doing at the moment consists of a variety of experiments and we need to have some convergence where closure will then be required



Rob noted that there are some open items in the current draft.  Rob sees an opportunity to say something about the current state, if we have some source of information about that.  Bart suggested the Shah report on interoperability as one data point.
 - Rob wants to find out if any of the on-line validators capture information.  This would provide information on where documents deviate in their validity.  He is going to send a question to the TC list.
 - There was discussion about the importance of validators keeping track of the version of producer whose document showed problems.
 - There was also discussion of mining the Internet for ODF documents and putting them through some sort of inspection/validation check as a source of information.  


We did not discuss current test documents.  We discussed incorporating test assertions into our work at the time Action Item #0023 was discussed.
 - Summary from Rob:  Test Assertions provide a formalization of the provisions of the standard.  Then one or more test cases are built for the test assertions.  Take a testable assertion and find an useful covering in tests that works against the same assertion.  
 - Rob: An ODF Document requires test assertions, and it specifies then what a validator would check.  
 - We could treat this as a queue of items that others could convert into individual test cases.   
 - We should all take a look at the OASIS TAG TC documents.  
 - Let's take the same ODF section and draft some test assertions.  Using the metadata section as a way to practice.  Bart is going to get his hands dirty and try the metadata.  
 - Yes, test assertions have to be verified manually.  Test assertions are written in English, and verifying that they reflect the language and intent of the standard is a manual activity.  Identifying every verifiable requirement.  We can do all of the mandatory requirements and the optional and preferences.  
 - We could do some tooling and finding all the ones that are mandatory.  We will look at the TAG CD and try some test assertions. 
 - Links are in this list post:
There are related posts before and after this one.

Bart announced that he has been invited to give a presentation on May 6 in Croatia on ODF, and it collides with one of our calls.  The May 6 coordination call will be cancelled.  We agreed to forgive him because he was talking about ODF.

The next call is on Wednesday, 22 April, at the same time (13:30 - 14:30 UT).

There is no call on Wednesday, 6 May.

The meeting was adjourned at 14:30Z.

Respectfully submitted,

 - Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability 
mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430 
http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org 

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