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Subject: Re: [oic] state-of-interop-cd-03 - AGREEMENT ON TC DOCUMENT FORMATAND TOOLS

ok, this all does make very good sense - I rescind my PDF comment...
The original document and not a derived work should be the definitive copy.
Thus, the ODF should be definitive.

On 2/10/2010 11:22 AM, Robin Cover wrote:
Pine.LNX.4.64.1002101410280.18323@fs00.ma0.oasis-open.net" type="cite">
The version approved as CD04 was approved with the ODF version as

I'm not sure whether I'm agreeing with Rob in this message, but here
goes, FWIW:

It is startling when I
see .doc files, especially as authoritative sources, from other TCs.

I don't understand the basis for the startlement: I would (and do)
recommend that TCs designate the editable source as the authoritative
format.  XML, HTML, DITA-format, ODF, Word, whatever.

If some TC uses Word as a word processor in document production,
then the obvious format for "authoritative" reference (IMO)
should be the original Word editable source -- not some
secondary, derivative, possibly "corrupted" PDF, resulting
from an approximate machine transform. Changes (viz., corruptions)
introduced in (some) PDF generation transforms are widely
attested. Not always, but too frequent for comfort.

So I have noted on several fora that the OASIS provision to
allow production of derivative works *should* imply that
the editable source be nominated as the authoritative
format.  If not, then someone wanting to create a
derivative work would potentially have to start work from
a PDF -- transforming that "authoritative" PDF back into
some useful editable format, for re-use in an editing
framework suitable for creating derivative works. And the
PDF-to-editable-text transform is known to be hazardous, at best,
often leading to predictable classes of corruptions. It
would not be safe to begin work with the original editable
format if the PDF is authoritative, because changes in the
PDF not detected (initially) by human inspection would
lead to a derivative work based upon a non-authoritative

Declaring the secondary generated PDF to be authoritative
seems to me quite questionable if fidelity to the author's
or editor's intent (in the editable source) is important.

So I would recommend, if asked, that the TC use ODF as
the authoritative format.



Robin Cover
OASIS, Director of Information Services
Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink
Email: robin@oasis-open.org
Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#cover
Cover Pages: http://xml.coverpages.org/
Newsletter: http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html
Tel: +1 972-296-1783

Andrew Rist | Interoperability Analyst
Phone: +1 6505069847 | Mobile: +1 6505759637
Oracle Corporate Architecture
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood Shores, CA 94065

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