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Subject: RE: [oic] RE: interop advisory, example - SVN Limitation

Hi Dennis,

> One limitation of SVN, just as of the Wiki, is the lack of a way to lock
> down any branch so it can't be altered, even by someone with commit
> permission.

One can create tags, that might do the trick in our case

So instead of 


We could do this:


Workflow would be: 

- work on draft versions in trunk
- tag the approved one 1.0
- tag again, using "latest"
- continue the work on draft versions in trunk
- delete tag "latest"
- tag v2.0 etc (or use dates as version number)
- recreate tag "latest"

When referring to the 1.0 tagged version, one always get the "frozen"
1.0 version of the files.

One can always fiddle around with the tags, but that would be logged,
and I'd argue we don't really need an immutable bit.

> This would be rather important for preserving online versions of those
>advisories that are linked from a current compilation.

I'd suggest they should be included (zipped) in the compilation, not just
linked. While the online JIRA tool comes in very handy, it is only a tool,
and as far as OASIS is concerned, the work has to end up in the OASIS
repository anyway...

I wouldn't focus too much on the tooling right now. While I do agree that
a good tool makes life easier, a few scripts and keep-it-simple tricks
with filename or directory structures will probably do


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