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openc2-actuator message

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Subject: This is a mirror of a slack message I sent some moments ago


During yesterday's actuator profile SC meeting, another approach was suggested.  The short version of the approach was kind of a nested loop:  

For each OpenC2 action applicable to the firewall profile:
For each OpenC2 target type applicable to that action:
Describe what the action will do
Describe the meaning of each applicable option/specifier
Provide sample commands

The basic idea was:  
Stating whether or not an action or target is mandatory, optional or even meaningful is not practical unless you have the action in the context of the specified target, so address each command holistically rather than work each component of the command.  

That was really logical, and I attempted to implement the idea but to be quite blunt with you, I am NOT pleased with my effort.  When you get a chance, take a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvD4dhnGPsYVYrMoJTIjeQA9vN3i33eqwkhEGRWsBVA/edit#heading=h.8mqj73xx8y2t , especially look at section 2.2.  

Give me more than a 'it is bad' (I already know that).  If you can send me a sample write up, do it in the googledoc, create your own googledoc, put it in an email or whatever.  I just need some help on it.  

Thank you 


Joe B

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