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openc2-actuator message

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Subject: ap-ids abstract

It was agreed to start a draft committee specification for an actuator profile for IDS. As part of the process of getting a template, an abstract is required. I propose the following abstract:

Open Command and Control (OpenC2) is a concise and extensible language to enable the command and control of cyber defense components, subsystems and/or systems in a manner that is agnostic of the underlying products, technologies, transport mechanisms or other aspects of the implementation. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a security function to detect the presence of an intruder attempting to breach a network or system. This OpenC2 Actuator Profile defines the Actions, Targets, Specifiers and Options that are consistent with the version 1.0 of the OpenC2 Language Specification ([OpenC2-Lang-v1.0]) in the context of command and control of IDS functionality.


I have no personal stake in this wording and would happily accept any suggestions. Itâs mainly so we have something to allow us to get a template.


Duncan Sparrell

sFractal Consulting LLC

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