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Subject: Java TC status

A business trip has unexpectedly popped up on Nov 20 which is going to make it impossible for me to be present on the telecon.

Here's the status of the Java TC following the F2F. Anish and Mike E can further clarify on the call if necessary.

1) We closed some difficult long standing issues, so I think we made very good use of the three full days. We ended the meeting with 44 open issues. We made progress on a direction toward solutions for several others, and actions have been assigned to complete that work.
2) However, we opened 7 more issues during the course of the meeting. These will presumably be accepted into open status on the next Telecon Nov 24, moving the total open to 51. The single biggest eye opener for me during the week is just how bad the C&I spec is. The CAA spec has been receiving most of the attention. Issue velocity is not decreasing, which is of great concern.
3) Action taken: Weekly Telecon has been extended 30 minutes by moving the start time 30 mins earlier to 7:30 AM PT-9:00 AM PT.
4) Action taken: Considered adding a second telecon, but without issue proposals there is not much point. TC will re-consider if this situation changes.
5) Proposed action: Chairs to admonish the TC. Practically speaking, it's a small group (counting voting members). We could insist that every voting member owns at least one issue (at any given moment in time) for which they are to make a proposal. Given who the voting members are, we might already be in this position.
6) Proposed action: A new standing rule that new issues must also come with a proposal or they will not be accepted.
7) Proposed action: Remove some function from the spec. I have a proposal for this. Anish and Mike E can talk to it.
8) Aside from the issues, the TC still has to do RFC2119 for all 5 specs. Testing was discussed for an hour or so, some progress was made.
9) Mike E and I have undertaken some actions inside IBM to accelerate progress. We hope that other companies can do the same.

Summary: The TC is in trouble. The F2F did not produce as much progress as I had hoped. This is not meant to be a reflection on the F2F, as it was very productive. It turned out that some of the issues were bigger than feared as we dug into them.

I hope this is enough info to provide a clear picture.

Dave Booz
STSM, BPM and SCA Architecture
Co-Chair OASIS SCA-Policy TC and SCA-J TC
"Distributed objects first, then world hunger"
Poughkeepsie, NY (845)-435-6093 or 8-295-6093

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