telecon March 24, 2022
Scribe nomination
Roll Call
Next meeting: April 8, 2022
Voting Rights Held by:
- Kazuo Yabuta
- Masaki Wakao
- Tom Kamimura
- Shigeaki Matsumoto
- Shinji Matsuoka
- Hiroyuki Yoshida
- Yoshio Horiuchi
- Shigenori Kobayashi
Chair: Tom Kamimura
Scribe: Tom Kamimura
- Tom Kamimura
- Masaki Wakao
- Kazuo Yabuta
- Hiroyuki Yoshida
- Shigeaki Matsumoto
- Yoshio Horiuchi
1. Current status
OASIS announced yesterday that the PROMCODE specification Version 1.0 has become an OASIS Standard. The announcement is available at
2. Announcement in Japan
We discussed the announcement and an update to key stakeholders in Japan. It was agreed that we should initially target the members of PROMCODE Consortium in Japan as the stakeholders . Since a list of the members of the Consortium is not available to TC, we need to get the information from other sources. Matsuoka-san indicated that such information should be in ProjectWeb, a Fujitsu's tool that contains various information on the Consortium, but it may require some work and approval by Fujitsu. In the meantime, it was agreed to gather information from each TC member's communication channel and old e-mails. It was also agreed that the information on the announcement should be in the web site of the Consortium.
3. Further work on publication of turtle files
Kamimura updated a request to publish shapes.ttl and vocab.ttl files in OSLC Open project. We made a few editorial changes to these ttl files and ran ShapeCheck tool to validate the files. It produces one warning indicating that some terms vocabulary defines are not referenced in the shape file. We need to resolve the warning before we can proceed.
- Kamimura to contact Matsuoka-san for getting information from ProjectWeb.
- Yabuta-san to contact Nakamura-san of Fujitsu to add the announcement at the web site of the Consortium at
- Kamimura to create a draft of announcement for the web site of the Consortium.
- Each TC member to enter the names and communication channel on the members of the Consortium to slack.
- Wakao-san to revise ttl shapes.ttl and vocab.ttl files and parameters of ShapeCheck script parameters to resolve the warning described in 3.
The minutes created by T. Kamimura