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Subject: RE: [pki-lowercosts] Contractor costing

It's probably in another mailing, but I assume that there will be a task at the end for the SC / TC to determine what activities may be appropriate based upon the results of the survey....otherwise, the outline looks good.
-----Original Message-----
From: Skyberg, David [mailto:dskyberg@rsasecurity.com]
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:51 AM
To: PKI Lower Costs
Subject: [pki-lowercosts] Contractor costing

Hi folks,

We really need to close on this issue soon.  At our current rate, I don’t see us doing much of anything for the remainder of the year.  We really need to pick up the pace!  Here is the list of tasks that we have outlined.  Let’s please all take a moment and flesh these out so that we have what we believe to be a complete set of tasks.  If you don’t have any input for this, then please signal your acceptance by emailing as such to the group.



Draft the survey

Work with the sub committee members to draft a survey.  The sub committee will approve the survey before the survey is conducted.

-         Survey Phase 1

TC members will be the target of the first phase.  The contractor will conduct the survey with all willing TC members.

-         Phase 1 analysis

The contractor will provide analysis of the survey results and coordinate feedback from the TC on the survey itself.

-         Refine the Survey

The contractor will edit and refine the survey based on the feedback from the TC, the analysis of the phase 1 results, and guidance from the sub committee.

-         Identify second phase targets

The contractor will coordinate input from the TC as to likely candidates for the second phase survey.  The subcommittee will approve the final list.

-         Survey Phase 2

The contractor will conduct the survey with representative on both the consumer and producer side of the PKI industry.

-         Report analysis of results

The contractor will report analysis of the results to the sub committee in a format suitable for reporting to both the TC as well as the public


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