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Subject: Volunteers for Implementing PKI Action Plan

PKI TC Members and Observers,

Here's your chance to make a real difference
in our work. We have completed our PKI Action Plan.
Dozens of organizations and individuals have
signed on as supporters. Now it's time to
start implementing the PKI Action Plan.

How? We have created five subcommittees of
the PKI Technical Committee to work on the
five Action Items in the PKI Action Plan:
Application Guidelines, Ask Vendors, Education,
Lower Costs, and Testing. Each subcommittee has
a clear Implementation Plan posted on the
subcommittee's web page with concrete steps
that will be followed to complete the Action
Item addressed by that subcommittee.

YOU can help by signing up for one of those
five subcommittees and digging in to help
implement our PKI Action Plan.

Everyone in the TC should be able to help here.
You don't have to be a Voting Member. No minimum
attendance requirements apply. Just follow these
easy steps:

1) Go to the main OASIS PKI TC members page at

2) Review the subcommittees listed at the bottom
   left of the page (under Subgroups). Focus on
   the implementation subcommittees: Application
   Guidelines, Ask Vendors, Education, Lower Costs,
   and Testing. The other SCs are mostly inactive now.

3) Decide which subcommittee(s) you want to join.
   Go to that subcommittee's web page and click
   on the "Join This Group" link just above the
   Group Notes. Choose whether you want to be an
   Observer or a Prospective Member. Submit your
   request. Note that the 60 day waiting period
   and other requirements for joining a TC don't
   apply to subcommittees of a TC. They're run
   more informally.

4) You will be added to the mailing list for the
   subcommittee you joined. Start participating!

Please join an SC (or several) soon. In the next
few weeks, each SC will set its regular meeting
schedule, meet at least once to review its
implementation plan and revise as needed, and
start implementation. By getting on board as
this process gets under way, you will be fully
involved and able to ensure that the SC meeting
schedule works for you and the implementation
plan makes sense to you.

Working together, we can complete the PKI Action
Plan, improving security and lowering costs for
all of us. I look forward to working with you
on this. If you have any questions, please let
me know.


Steve Hanna
Co-chair, OASIS PKI TC

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