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Subject: Availability of CSRTool


I would like to announce the availability of a free and open-source
(LGPL) tool - CSRTool v0.01- to the PKI/Crypto/Security community.

CSRTool is a Java-based, GUI-driven utility that:

  * Generates RSA public and private key-pairs in sizes ranging from
    1024 to 8192 bits;

  * Generates Elliptic Curve DSA public and private key-pairs using
    either the ANSI X9.62 named curves, or custom parameters of your
    own curve, if so inclined;

  * Saves the private-key in a PKCS8 file with Password-Based-Encryption
    using the SHA1withTripleDES algorithm;

  * Generates a PEM-encoded CSR that can be submitted to a CA either
    through a web-form or e-mail;

  * Generates keyUsage and/or the subjectAltName extensions (optionally)
    in the RSA-based CSR;

  * Combines the private-key from the previously-stored PKCS8 file and
    the newly returned digital certificate, into a PKCS12 file that can
    be used for importation into desired applications; future releases
    will support the JKS & JCEKS key-stores, and crypto hardware tokens;

It was created to make working with PKIs a little easier.  Everything
it does can be done with various CLI-based utilities easily enough,
but the GUI makes it just a little easier for some people.

More information and downloads of the binary and source can be found
at http://www.strongauth.com/csrtool.  Documentation is included in
the downloads, and a forum for discussion of the tool is available at
that site.


Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

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