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Subject: PMRM TC new meeting times: a poll

Privateers -


At the last PMRM TC telecom, we discussed trying to find a suitable, alternate

meeting time for our monthly formal meetings (and the in-between informal meetings).


In order to minimize the number of e-mail exchanges, this poll will consist of several parts:


(1)     Everyone determine if the current schedule (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month)

does or does not work for you. ONLY the people for which the current schedule

does NOT work should proceed to Part (2). Routinely does not work; not just occasionally.


(2)    You have arrived at part (2) because the current schedule does not work for you.

And, hopefully you want to be actively involved in our activities. Jot down the regular

days and times of any month that work for you and send ME (and only me)

that information. Pattern your answer after our current format:   xx and yy dd(:day) of every month, at zz time.


(3)    I will find the common times (if any) from these responses and


(4)    poll the whole group with those new days/times.


(5)     We may or may not find a new time that fits MORE of us than the current schedule.


Preview of coming poll: The other issue raised was having a Face/Face meeting soon,

to go through a Use Case in person. The default location is DC, using John’s CA conference room.

Tentatively mentioned were Wed/Thurs, 25-26 May (or, ONE of those days). John and I plan

to talk Monday about those options and the possibility of some partial expenses being covered

by the ID Trust members section.


Of course, we would need the participation of the key people related to the Use Case,

whether that is Smart Grid or Emergency Responder.


I have not yet figured out how to minimize the mathematical complexity of that poll,

so no replies now; unless you have a real showstopper.



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