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regrep-raws message

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Subject: RE: ROWS Proposal: please send your recommendation by email

Hi all,

	I have a couple of non-pc observations:

  |   Let's address any perceived deficiencies in UDDI first before we
attempt to
  |   change aspects of the Oasis Registry candidate specifications to "come
up to
  |   the capabilities" that already  exist in UDDI.  We have several ways
  |   requesting changes to the UDDI specifications, 1) through UDDI-WG
  |   contributions; 2) through UDDI-AG member contributions 3) through
  |   lists; and 4) through the UDDI liaison role.
	This OASIS TC not a UDDI TC. Last time I checked, I didn't see the charter
as "address perceived deficiencies in UDDI". That is work of the UDDI
groups. IMHO, this TC, shouldn't be wasting cycles influencing UDDI, as a
group. I am sure individual members who are in both forums (including
myself) are doing that, anyway .

	Second, one should look at a feature as to whether it makes sense for an
OASIS Registry. One should not add features because UDDI has it or refrain
from adding a feature because UDDI has that feature. The comparison is
irrelevant. I do not see duplication of features as a cause for concern.

	We should have a vision for the OASIS registry and should add features
according to that vision.

	Another point re the feature set is Scott's view of "without significant
signs of industry traction." IMHO, this is irrelevant as well. If a feature
makes sense, include it. None of us have a clear crystal ball to predict the
future :o( and adoptability and adaptability.

	I thought there is a sub-group which was going to *position* and
rationalize OASIS registry with UDDI. What is the recommendation of that
group ? Possibly this sub-group could shape the OASIS Registry vision.


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