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Subject: RE: [regrep] RE: [uddi-spec] ebXML Registry / UDDI Convergence

Anne, et al,

This detailed UDDI/ebXML RegRep tModel design and development effort has
been started by me on the OASIS ebXML Registry TC and continued by me and Ed
Mooney (of Sun) while we were both a part of the UDDI.org WG.  

Ed had the latest draft of a paper that fully describes these proposed
tModels and usage examples.  I strongly urge whoever picks this effort up to
start there.  Please do not start from scratch.  The latest work is
considered a in-progress Technical Note of the new OASIS UDDI TC.  The
edit/review cycles were interrupted by UDDI's recent transition to OASIS.
The new UDDI TC is cleaning up its TN/Best Practice process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:anne@manes.net]
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 7:37 AM
To: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Cc: uddi-spec@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Matthew MacKenzie'; Von Riegen,
Claus; regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [regrep] RE: [uddi-spec] ebXML Registry / UDDI Convergence

I would certainly propose a few technical notes. (I co-authored one for
ebXML a while ago which spoke about using UDDI to find ebXML registries.) I
proposed a much more extensive effort to create a set of UDDI tModels that
describe ebXML registries, the APIs to access ebXML registries, as well as
uddi-org:types categorizations to represent ebXML services, but I was met by
quite a bit of resistance from the ebXML team.

I'd propose that we start a joint subcommittee to explore integration


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal [mailto:Gnosis_@compuserve.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:55 AM
> To: Anne Thomas Manes
> Cc: uddi-spec@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Matthew MacKenzie'; Von Riegen,
> Claus; regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [regrep] RE: [uddi-spec] ebXML Registry / UDDI Convergence
> Anne,
> I think everyone assumes these are competing - but actually I'm
> seeing different models here.
> It's not clear cut for people right now however, because
> we've not formally articulated missions and business focus.
> Nor have we really focused on how these two systems
> could be complimentary / co-exist in unison.
> Sure they can be purposed to do many of the same things,
> but I believe the audiences are different - especially
> around the deployment models.
> So people may choose one over the other, or both,
> depending on their business needs.  We need a
> PPT at a minimum as a discussion point so that
> people can understand what each world looks like
> today.
> I also see an obvious first step to create an interop' API
> between the two with the simple goal of being able
> to link (read-only) from an entry in one to an entry in
> the other.  This is probably doable already today - but
> we should formally write it up and have it go thru the
> normal OASIS process.
> One good place to start is an adoption and setup
> guide.  What it takes to install, configure and operate
> each system, and what types of content get stored.
> Right there I believe we can see alot of the business
> differences.
> Thanks, DW.
> ===================================================
> Message text written by Anne Thomas Manes
> >
> IMHO, it hurts us to have two competing standards. Convergence would be a
> good thing. I don't expect it to be easy, though.
> Anne<

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