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Subject: [regrep] Distinguishing a Replica from an original RegistryObject

See attached data point on this subject from KIEC (Jasmine Jang).

From Farrukh:
>Thanks Monica. This is a good data point.

From Monica:
>>Here is the helpful response I received from Jasmine Jang, KIEC, on
>>replication of Registry Objects.  This is an information point
>>validating our effort.

From Jasmine Jang, KIEC:
>>I've reviewed v.3.0 draft. Techical considerations are enough to build
>>the cooperations among various registries.
>>Thank you, Najmi, Stojanovic and MacKenzie so much.
>>In Korea, the regrep(v.2) are now implemented in Steel and Iron
>>Industry. Next, I have a plan to build the cooperation between KIEC's
and Steel's.

>>Be happiest, today.
>>Best regards

From Monica:
>>As the Reg/Rep team's works to move to a v3.0 specification, we are
>>discussing replicas for an original RegistryObject.  Looking at the
>open questions below, I believe that KIEC could provide some real-world
>input here so that what we propose and move forward with will meet
>>Can you provide some insight or suggestions?  We can provide further
>>detail if needed.  I am basing this inquiry to you on replication
>>discussed in the brief you sent me in May 2002 (see attached).

From Farrukh N:
>>The RS 2.2 spec introduces a new Object Replication feature.  Object 
>>replication allows a registry to create local replicas of 
>>RegistryObjects in other registries. The specification of this feature

>>raises a few questions:
>>1. Should there be a way for a registry client to be able to tell 
>>whether a RegistryObject is an original or whether it is a replica?
>>cases would be appreciated.
>>Assuming that the answer to (1) is yes then it brings up additional 
>>questions on how the information model should distinguish a replica
>from an original.
>>a) One possibility is that every RegistryObject have a boolean
>attribute isReplica
>>b) Another possibility is that every RegistryObject have a String 
>>attribute called home, which contains the baseURI to the home registry

>>for an object. It can be null if the home registry is the local

>>Both a) and b) are not desirable since they can have conflicting

>>Thanks in advance for your input and for getting input from KIEC.

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