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Subject: Re: [regrep] Proposed new feature: User specified URLs for registrycontent

For our live demo please the following URLs just for today:

For RegistryObject the new feature enables the following URL:

Compare that with pre-existing HTTP interface enabled URL:

For RepositoryItem the new feature enables the following URL:

Compare that with pre-existing HTTP interface enabled URL:

Farrukh Najmi wrote:

> Team,
> I had an AI to describe the proposed "User specified URLs for registry 
> content"
> and to illustrate it with a working example. The attached note below 
> provides that information. Please share your thougts on this proposal. 
> Recall that the proposal is to include this feature for version 2.6 as 
> a minor refinement (addition) to our HTTP interface.
> -- 
> Farrukh
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Ebxmlrr-tech] [Ann] New feature: User specified URLs for 
> registry content
> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 12:06:44 -0400
> From: Farrukh Najmi <farrukh.najmi@sun.com>
> To: ebxmlrr-tech@lists.sourceforge.net 
> <ebxmlrr-tech@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Folks,
> A new feature was committed to CVS this morning called "User specified 
> URLs for registry content".
> This is new feature for ebxmlrr allows a client to specify a URL for 
> any RegistryObject or RepositoryItem that they submit. This URL could 
> then be used to access the object over HTTP interface as an 
> alternative to the QueryManager parameterized URL. The benefit would 
> be that objects could be accessible at a URL that is meaningful and 
> memorable to the user.
> The motivation for this feature proposal is that the registry needs to 
> be be accessible in a user friendly and familiar manner as a web site. 
> Currently it is accessible as a online database that you can query.
> Lets see how the pre-existing HTTP interface and the new feature 
> compare. The example below uses the (updated createDemoDB) database 
> and specifically the GIF image of Zeus (Nikola's now very huge dog).
> For RegistryObject the new feature enables the following URL:
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest/pictures/nikola/zeusDescription
> Compare that with pre-existing HTTP interface enabled URL:
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest/?interface=QueryManager&method=getRegistryObject&param-id=urn:uuid:e3373a7b-4958-4e55-8820-d03a191fb76a
> For RepositoryItem the new feature enables the following URL:
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest/pictures/nikola/zeus
> Compare that with pre-existing HTTP interface enabled URL:
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest/?interface=QueryManager&method=getRepositoryItem&param-id=urn:uuid:e3373a7b-4958-4e55-8820-d03a191fb76a
> If you wish to try this out, you can either build your own demoDB or 
> access my server (it is on only for remainder of today). For my server 
> use for host in above URL(s).
> To use the feature in your own content use the:
> as a model.
> Brief Feature description:
> -A client uses a slot named:
> "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:2.5:rim:RegistryObject:locator"
> to assign a URL to an RegistryObject. Note we use URL to avoid name 
> conflicts.
> -A client uses a slot named:
> "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:2.5:rim:RegistryObject:RegistryEntry:ExtrinsicObject:contentLocator"
> to assign a URL to an RepositoryItem
> -The URL must be a relative URL that is relative from the base URL of 
> the registry. For example:
> Base URL for Registry: http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry
> Implied Prefix URL for HTTP interface: 
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest
> Relative URL sufix: /pictures/nikola/zeus
> Resource access URL:
> http://<host>:8080/ebxmlrr/registry/rest//pictures/nikola/zeus
> -An objects may have multiple URLs. If so it must be accessible from 
> each URL.
> -A URL suffix must be unique across all objects within a registry
> Not Yet Included:
> We have not yet made code changes to RegistryBrowser to allow 
> assigning URL to objects. However it is possible to use Slots with 
> names specified above.
> This feature is also being considered by the ebXML Registry TC for the 
> next minor version of the specs (2.6).
> As always your comments are welcome.
> Lastly, I will be on vacation for next week and with reduced net 
> access the following week and will not be able to answer emails 
> regularly in that period.
> -- 
> Farrukh
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