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Subject: Re: [regrep] Groups - patch-rim-query.txt uploaded

Hi Kathryn,

I would like to request that we place the rim.xsd and query.xsd changes 
proposed by Richard as a high priority agenda item for our next meeting. 
These changes impact implementations that are in progress (and are 
holding up 3.0 spec finalization) and therefor are a high priority to 

I am generally supportive of the suggested changes as they fix some 
design issues in our schema and make us more extensible to other query 
languages in future with ease.



Richard Martell wrote:

>Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>Richard Martell wrote:
>>><complexType name="QueryExpressionType" id="QueryExpressionType"
>>> mixed="true">
>>> <sequence>
>>>   <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>>> </sequence>
>>> <attribute name="queryLang" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
>>> <attribute name="version" type="string" use="required" />
>>It is the above syntax for <any> that I am not familiar with. I
>>understand that it allows any element to be use in its place.
>>However, some details on the <any> element and its attributes would be
>QueryExpressionType defines a mixed content model (allows text) and
>permits any markup from a 'foreign' namespace (i.e., any namespace
>other than the target namespace). The processContents="lax" attribute
>suggests that the processor should attempt to validate the content
>against its schema ("strict" or "skip" are other permissible values).
>>Also an example with an SQL query (e.g. "SELECT id FROM Organization")
>>and another with an equivalent filter query would be very helpful.
>>Thanks in advance.
>I revised the original proposal to include a couple of examples:
>findOrganizations (by name), using both SQL and ebRS filter expressions.
>These both validate against the proposed schema revisions.

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