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Subject: Re: [regrep] Proposed resolution to Diego Ballvé's public comment

Breininger, Kathryn R wrote:

>We don't have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.  Can this be resolved via e-mail?  I can set up a special meeting if needed, but it would not be at the usual time nor with the usual numbers.
email approval of this and other comments is fine. The other comments 
and their proposed resolution compiled by Richard is here:


Please let us know if you have any concerns over the proposed 
resolutions by COB Thursday. This will allow Richard and I to
compile final deliverables in time for next week. Thanks.

>Kathryn Breininger
>Boeing Library Services
>425-965-0182 phone
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM] 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:56 PM
>To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: [regrep] Proposed resolution to Diego Ballvé's public comment
>Following is the proposed resolution for the recent comment submitted by 
>Diego Ballvé . Please review so we can resolve it in tomorrow's meeting. 
>Hi Diego,
>Thanks for your valuable comment. Please see response inline below
>comment-form@oasis-open.org wrote:
>>Comment from: diego.ballve@digital-artefacts.fi
>>[MINOR] Fix typo on SQL query compliance level
>>File: regrep-3.0-cd-01/specs/regrep-rs-3.0-cd-01.pdf
>>Section: 6.4, SQL Query Syntax
>>Line: 1893
>>Fix typo on SQL compliance level: "Entry Level SQL" should be
>>"Intermediate Level SQL", since the registry normative Schema is 
>>obviously based on
>>Level SQL.
>Thank you for pointing out this typographical error. We will replace
>"Entry Level SQL" with "Intermediate Level SQL" at line 1893
>as you suggest.
>>Also, I suggest removing non-normative SQL BNF in section 6.4.1
>>as it creates potential for inconsistencies. If possible, reference
>>the "official" SQL BNF defined in the SQL92 specs.
>We agree with above suggestion and will remove the non-normative SQL BNF 
>in section 6.4.1.
>We will also include a reference to the SQL BNF in the SQL92 specs 
>already included in the
>Normative References section.
>Thanks for helping us improve our specifications.


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