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Subject: Item nine of the submission package

Item 9 in the submission package is as follows:

9. A statement from the chair of the TC certifying that all members of
the TC have been provided with a copy of the OASIS IPR Policy;
I am sending you this link to the IPR policy under which our TC is
currently operating
http://www.oasis-open.org/who/ipr/intellectual_property_2000-1-13.php to
ensure that this requirement is met.  Here is our statement regarding
IPR and the work of this TC:

Please let me know if you have any questions about these.  

We will need to transition to the new IPR policy in the next two years,
prior to April 15, 2007.  This will be an item of discussion at future
TC meetings!

Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services

425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax

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