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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] Localisation of validation errors with large schemas

I am currently working on a system with a reasonably large (over 600k of XML)
RNG schema distributed
across ~80 files obtained by automatic translation.

The XML documents however can be quite short.

Now, when I get a validation error both MSV and Jing give a good localisation in

the XML doc, but next to nothing in the schema file.


            Error at line:67, column:49 of file:blah.xml
              the value does not match the regular expression

            Error at URL "file:/H:/project/msv-20020414/x500/pdu12", line number
67: bad character content for element

Here MSV's error message is more instructive in terms of understanding what is
in the document, but neither tells me where to go in the schema.  This is not so
bad if
the problem is assumed to lie with the document, but when developing a new
the problem is reasonably likely to lie with the schema.

What would be great IMHO would be something like the call stack dump that you
get when a
run-time error occurs in a programming language.

In this instance it would tell me where the regular expression
occurs in the schema (file & line #), and then proceeding back up the ref/define
"stack", showing how
the markup fits partially matches the schema, again quoting file & line #.

Can it be done?  Any chance?

Comments and related experiences?

BTW: I appreciate MSVs capability to accept wildcards in the list of XML
documents to be validated;
it would be a worthy addition to Jing.



Dr Daniel Prager
Research Fellow & Consultant
Deakin University & Freelance

Phone: +61 3 9251 7484
Web: www.deakin.edu.au/~danielp

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