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relax-ng-comment message

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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] How about a <range> tag?

Here's a suggestion for RELAX NG 2.0:

How about a tag of the form

    <range min="..." max="...">
            [RELAX pattern]

which would generalize these existing tags (range equivalents on right)

    <optional>            <range min="0" max="1">
    <zeroOrMore>     <range min="0" max="unbounded">
    <oneOrMore>      <range min="1" max="unbounded">

This would enable a  RELAX NG schema author to write
(for example) the equivalent of

    <xsd:element name="shortList">
            <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5">

neatly as

    <element name="shortList">
        <range min="0" max="5">
            <element name="item">

or something like

    element shortList { element item[0..5] {   [snip]   } }

in the compact notation.



Dr Daniel Prager
Research Fellow & Consultant
Deakin University & Freelance

Phone: +61 3 9251 7484
Web: www.deakin.edu.au/~danielp

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