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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] RELAX NG Tutorial: 14. Non-restrictions

Hello Relax NG,

Could you please explain chapter 14 somewhat more? The comment:

     <!-- Note the incorrect class attribute -->

I simply do not understand. According to the above grammar you have an
interleave of elements.

What I can see is that either the

1. first example is incorrect, because the 2nd span is matched against
the first span in the grammar, and that fails (incorrect class attribute).

2. Or the second example is actually correct, because the parser (really
smart...) backs up and attempts to match against the second span in the
grammer, and the class attribute is actually ok.

The only thing I can see that explains what happens is that the
validator is stuck in the second span definition in the grammar, and
does not backup. Is that what happens?

If so, that's great, because backing up and rematching is harder than
just getting sucked into a span and giving an error ;-)


Berend. (-:

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