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relax-ng-comment message

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Subject: Re: [relax-ng-comment] Constraints in compact syntax

> Is there a reason why just the "name class except" constraint
> was duplicated from section 4.16 of the RELAX NG Specification?

I think this constraint can be removed, as it's already covered by the
general requirement that the generated RELAX NG XML be correct.

[At one time I was thinking that, in order to support separate translation
of individual files, there might be a kind of conformance that required any
implementation to be able to translate anything provided only that it met
the grammar and constraints in the compact syntax spec. I put this
constraint in because an implementation might well integrate the name class
except constraint into its grammar and thus not be able to handle things
that didn't meet this constraint.  However, the spec does in fact have any
such kind of conformance, so this isn't an issue.]


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